Aug 3 1888
Remonstrance of [Frank A Keene]] against the
line of the grade of South Eleventh Street, read
& referred to the Street Committee an City Attorney.
Remonstrance of H M Peters against grade of
sidewalk on Box Street in front of Block 56
read and on motion tabled.
Petitionf of J A Gould & others for opening Ward Street
from Farm to Lombard Street and Lombard Street
frpm Farm Street to Farragut Street read and
referred to Street Committee.
Petition of Geo B Kittenger for permission to raise
certain buildings on Washington Street to grade read
and referred to Committee on Streets with power
to act.
Remonstrance of J C Haines and others against granting
a franchise for the construction of any street Rail-
way on Union Street which is to be operated by
what is known as the overhead" system of electric
propulsion read and referred to the Street Committee.
PetitioinofD T Denny & others praying that the
sewer on Bell Street heretofore ordered constructed be
extended to Fifth Street read and referred to Committee
on Sewers and Drainage.
Petition of W V Rinehart and others for streeet lights
on Fifth Street between Pine & Bell Street read and
referred to Committee on Street Lights.
Petition of Peter Durose for permission to erect a
boot black stand in Mill Street referred to Com.
on Fire and Water.
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