Aug 17 1888
Petition of M J Frye for permission to stretch a
canvas sign across Front Street from corner of Marion
Street. Tables.
Petition of Lucy G Bell for compensation for damages
caused by widening Second Street read and referred to the Street Committee.
Petition on Mrs Lewis & son for permission to repair and
alter the St Charles Hotel read and referred to the Committee
onf Fire & Water.
Petition of Thos R Hughes and others to be allowed to
make connecton with the Jackson and Main Street]] sewers
read and granted.
Petition of Thomas R Hughes & others for the grading of
the alley running north and south through Block 6 of
D S Maynard's plat, read and referred to Committee on
Petition of McClanahan & O'Day for extension of time
for grading Lane Street read and placed on file.
Petition of R E & A E Knight for a permanent grade
line to be established along the East line of Front
Street between University and Seneca Streets for the
purpose of erecting permanent buildings of said
grade. Tabled.
Communications from the City Surveyor recommending
that suitable monuments be erected at intersection
of Streets read and referred to Street Committee.
Communicaton from the Chief of Police mkaing
certain recommendations and suggestions, read and
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