Aug 17 1888
one (331) mills on each and every dollar of the
assessed valuation of all the property included
within the assessment district created by ordinance
No 933 be and the same hereby is levied onsaid
property for the purpose of paying for the improve-
ment of Box Street in the City of Seattle from
Depot Street to Harrison Street.
Ordered that the matter of Fifth Street bulk-head
be referred to the Street Committee in conjunction
with the City Surveyor and City Attorney with power
to act.
On motion of Councilman Niesz ordered that if the pro-
perty owners along the line of streets which have
been ordered graded, give satisfactory evidence to the
Council that the warrants issued for the improvements
of such street or streets will be taken care of by
them at or near par, the council will at once adver-
tise for bids for the iprovementof said street or sts.
Ordered that Finance Committee in conjunction with
the Chief of the Fire Department examine into the
matter and report to the council the advisibility of
pruchasing three lots for Fire Department. purposes
and location & cost of same.
Ordered that the sidewalks on both sides of
Washington Street from Commercial Street to South
Second Street be condemned and the owners of property
directed to build now sidewalks and raise same
to the grade.
Ordered that Main and Washington Streets be
replanked from Commercial Street to Railroad.
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