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593 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 31 1888 Adjourned until Saturday Sept 1st 1888 at 8 o'clock PM Approved Robert Moran mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk by C W Ferris dep clerk Be it remembered that on Sept 1st 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle met in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournmnet Thefollowing officers are present: His Hon Mayor Robert Moran councilmen J F Burns, Jos Green, T E Jones, Jas McCombs, J F McDonald U R Niesz, C F Rietze and Dep Clerk C W Ferris Petition of E C Slorah for permission to change the license of the "Orion" to "Commercial Saloon", granted. upon the recommendation of the License & Rev. Committee. Ordered that the Chairman of the Street Com. City Surveyor and City Attorney be empowered to allow the Seattle Construction Co to occupy Mill Street if they deemm it proper and legal. Ordered that the Street Commissioner extend the Madison Street sewer to deep water. Ordered that the Committee heretofore appointed to confer with the "Arbor Society" act with them in setting out trees along the Streets of the City. Upon motonof Councilman McDonald it is ordered that no member of the CouncilAddress that body without first rising to his feet. And now the Council proceeds with the examination and equalization of the Assessment Rolls for the Year 1888 and the following changes are made.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


594 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 1 1888 Ordered that Alex Allen's assessment of $2000 on Str "Violet" be reduced to $800.00 Ordered that the assessment of lots 10 & 11 Blk 43 A A Denny's 6th Addn be marked in unknown list "double assessment" Also the F W Wald be reduced to L3 B 5 Maynard's Addn $500. tocorrespond with county roll. Also the Mary B Kittenger be reudced on S 20 ft of L 4 B 8 Maynard's Addn from 7333 to $6667 Also Blk 2 Terry's 5th from 4955 to $4500. Also that G M Haller be reduced to L 5-6 & 7 B i Adelia's Addn to$70 each. Alsothat Mr Bates assessment of improvements of L4 B 43 A A Denny's 6th addn be reduced from 1000 to $800. The special committee to whom was referred various assessments report as follows To wit: T T Minor improvements be reduced to $6000 H M Haller improvements be reduced to $6000 J MColeman improvements be raised to $7500 D B Jackson improvements Lots 3 B 12 Boren & Denny's Addn be reduced from $8000 to $800 Baker & Moore personal property be reduced to $1000 Everett Smith $777 Mortgages be stricken from Roll H L Yesler reduced on improvements Block 33 Boren's addn to $18,000 That the lot on which the Yesler- Leary Building stands be reduced to $22,000 That BayView addn be stricken from the rollalso we recommend that the assessment of the various Banks be fixed as follows: First National Bank $90,000 Puget Sound National Bank $44,000

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


595 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 1 1888 Merchant's National Bank $55,000 Dexter Horton and Co $65,000 Guarantee Loan& Trust Co $25,500 Upon motion the report is adopted. Thefollowing named persons having been cited and failing to appear are ordered raised as follows W R Thornell Lot 5 B 103 A A Denny's addn to $500 W H Taylor Lot 1 B 103 Denny to Terry's Addn to $550 J Schram ]] E 1/2 Lot 3 B 77 Denny to Terry's Addn to $250 Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Approved Robert Moran Mayor Attest W R Forrestclerk by C W Ferris Dept Clerk Sep 7 1888 Be it remembered that on this 7th day of September A D 188 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Robt Moran and Councilmen Burns, Durie, Green,Jones, McCombs, McDonald Niesz & Reitze The following proceedings are had towit: Petitons etc. Petitions of W R Brawley & others for revocation of liquor license hereto fore granted to Alden & Chase, read and referred to Committee on License & Revenue. Petition of J H Rengstorff for permission to move and repair building on North1/2 of Lot 5 block 6 A A Denny's Addn, read and referred to com on Fire and Water. Petition of J H Hall & others against revoking liquor license of Alden & Chase read and referred to the

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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