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Aug 31 1888
Adjourned until Saturday Sept 1st 1888 at 8 o'clock
Approved Robert Moran mayor
Attest W R Forrest clerk
by C W Ferris dep clerk
Be it remembered that on Sept 1st 1888 the Common
Council of the City of Seattle met in its Council Cham-
ber pursuant to adjournmnet Thefollowing officers
are present: His Hon Mayor Robert Moran councilmen
J F Burns, Jos Green, T E Jones, Jas McCombs, J F McDonald
U R Niesz, C F Rietze and Dep Clerk C W Ferris
Petition of E C Slorah for permission to change the
license of the "Orion" to "Commercial Saloon", granted.
upon the recommendation of the License & Rev. Committee.
Ordered that the Chairman of the Street Com. City Surveyor
and City Attorney be empowered to allow the Seattle
Construction Co
to occupy Mill Street if they deemm
it proper and legal.
Ordered that the Street Commissioner extend the
Madison Street sewer to deep water.
Ordered that the Committee heretofore appointed to
confer with the "Arbor Society" act with them
in setting out trees along the Streets of the City.
Upon motonof Councilman McDonald it is ordered
that no member of the CouncilAddress that
body without first rising to his feet.
And now the Council proceeds with the examination
and equalization of the Assessment Rolls for the
Year 1888 and the following changes are made.

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