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666 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 7 1888 Be it remembered that on this the 7th day of December 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law [adjournment crossed out], present Mayor Robert Moran and Councilmen F.J. Burns, D E Durie, Joseph Green, Thos E Jones, Jas McCombs, J F McDonald, U R Niesz and C F Reitze The following proceedings are had to wit: Petitions etc Petition of Ella White Peterson and others for the changing of the name of Mill Street to Yesler Avenue. Readn and on motin granted. Petition of J A Fulcher for permission toput up a canvas awning of Lot 6 Blk 6 Boren & Denny's Addition read and refered to Committee on Fire and Water. Petition ofJohn Sexton for rebate of tax paid, read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Petition of Mrs Mary L Damon and L Reinig for change of sidewalk on[Fifth Street]] read and referred to the Street Commttee. Petiton of Chas Baker and others for planking Front Street from Battery to Cedar Street read and referred to Street Committee. Comunication from S N Sorenson inrgard to sidewalk on Spring Street between Second & Third Streets read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of Engine Co No 2 for a horse hose cart read and referred to Committee on Fire and Water. Communication form Chief of Police reproting changes in the police force read and referred to Com on Health & Police.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


667 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 7 1888 Petition of W L Mountjoy for compensation for damages caused by fall occasioned by defective sidewalk while in the employ of the City, read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Petition of Alfred King for correction of assessment read and referred to the City Attorney. Petition of Gus Dorffell and others for removal of obstructions from Kenny Street between Mill and Main Streets read and referred to the Street Committee Monthly Reports of City Officers Received. From City Atty read and ordered filed. From Chief of Police read and ordered filed. From Justices of the Peace Jones & Soderberg. Referred. From City Treasurer read and Referred dto Finance Com. Ordinances On motion the rules are now suspended and an Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to tax and regulate Auctioneers Hawkers and Peddlers" which after due consideration is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Green, Jones, McCombs, McDonald, Niesz and Reitze. Against the same none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to change the name of Mill Street in the City of Seattle to Yesler Avenue" which is after due consideration is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Green, Jones, McCombs, McDonald,Niesz and Reitze. Against the same none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney

Last edit almost 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


668 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 7 1888 entitled "An Ordinance to regulate the construction, alteration , repair and removal of buildings within certain limits for the prevention of fires" which is read and on motion of Council Niesz consideration of the same is postponed until the next regular meeting. Committee Reports Received. From Judiciary committee rejecting the petition of James Davis and Gus Batz for permission to build cabin within fire limits. Adopted. From Same Committee rejecting petition of Antone Lombordine and Peter Chiado for permission to erect a wooden building within the fire limits. Adopted. From Committee on Fire & Water granting petition of James Lowden for permission to put up a wooden awning on Mill Street between South 3rd and South 4th Streets. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of O N Morse for permission to cut a door in side of Arlington Hotel. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of A L Palmer for permission to change partitions in house on South Third Street. Adopted. From Same Committee granting petition of Geo Kinnear for change of fire limits ordinance. Adopted. From City Attorney upon claim of Gus Landsberg for extra compensation for moving earth on Mill Street as follows: "From information dreived, I learn that the City Council, before the claiment removed the earth

Last edit almost 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


669 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 7 1888 herein charged for, informed him that they would pay no more than the contract price and I don't think the City is liable for the claim and it is therefore respectfully rejected". Report Adopted & Claim rejected. From Committee on Street Lights granting petition of G S Shoudy & others for a street light Corner of 13th & Howell Sts adopted. From Street Committee granting petition of Hall & Ritchie for the acceptance of South Eleventh Street etc. Adopted. From Same Committee recommending that the petition of W P Bird and others for the grading Wilford Street be tabled. Adopted. From the Judiciary Committee on the petition of R H Hanford for the appointment of Joseph McNaught as an appraiser on behalf of the owners of property condemned on South Eleventh Street. vice H H Lewis absent from the City, submitting a verbal report to the effect that as the formerly appointed board of appraisers had failed to report within thirty days from the date of their appointment as required by law, and also that Mr Joseph McNaught had left the city to be absent several months a new board of appraisers should be appointed for said district: Whereupon on motion duly made and seconded, Mr A B Stewart is appointed an appraiser on behalf of the owners of property condemned by ordinance No 942 and Mr Leander Miller an appraiser on behalf of the owners of property benefiting by said ordinance No 942, Whereupon his Honor the Mayor appoints Mr Fred E Sander an appraiser in said matters on behalf of the City. Application. Applications for Liquor License Referred Frank Clancy, John Egan and Jones Bros

Last edit almost 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


670 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 7 1888 Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly presented to the Council and audited and allowed are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows viz: Name No fund Amount Remarks Geo E Waring Jr 3492 City 1569.00 Prof Services Sanitary Engr W R Forrest 3493 City 150.00 Salary City Clerk C W Ferris 3494 City 100.00 Salary Depy City Clerk Isaac Parker 3495 City 125.00 Salary City Tresr S H Piles 3496 City 150.00 Salary City Atty L Cummings 3497 City 125.00 Salary St Comr Saml A Hoyt 3498 City 100.00 Salary Harbor Master James Bogart 3499 City 75.00 Salary Jailer & Janitor James Bogart 3499 City 176.60 Board of Prisoners J C Mitchell 3500 City 12.60 Money paid out J C Mitchell 3500 City 150.00 Salary Chief of Police E D Briggs 3501 City 90.00 Salary Captn of Police D F Willard 3502 City 90.00 Salary Captn of Police W I Peer 3503 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman Wm Morris 3504 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman J W Huff 3505 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman S Leckie 3506 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman E R Harding 3507 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman D H Webster 3508 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman Pat Farraher 3509 City 30.00 Salary Patrolman H A Bigelow 3510 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman W A Carey 3511 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman Ben Thompson 3512 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman Geo Templeton 3513 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman D Phillips 3514 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman Henry Sheahan 3515 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman Z T Holden 3516 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman W A Coner 3517 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman A W Ryan 3518 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman E D Kinley 3519 City 75.00 Salary Patrolman [total] 3255.20

Last edit almost 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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