Police Commissioners of the City of Seattle 1 Oct 29 1890 Be it remembered that on this the 29th Day if October AD 1890 The Board of Police Commissioners of the City of Seattle, Hold its first regular meeting prusuant to law for the purpose of Organization: The following Members are present: His Honor the Mayor Harry White Chairman A. H. Manning W. E. Ledgerwood G. O. Guy S. L. Crawford William B. Droan Depty Clerk
The following procedings are had: The meeting was called to order by the chair: The first business before the Board was the election of a Chief for the Police Force.
Crawford moved that the election of a chief be made the first order of business. The motion was seconded by Guy and carried: The chair declared nomiations for the position of Chief in order: Guy placed in nomination the name of George Munroe.
Ledgerwood placed in nomination the name of Capt. H. W. Barr.
Crawford placed in nomination the name of H. G. Thornton:
It was moved and seconded that the nominations be now closed. So ordered.
2 Journal of the Proceedings of the
Oct 29 1890
On a vote being taken Geo E Munroe was elected Chief by the following vote in favor. Ledgerwood, Maning. Crawford Guy voting - Against None. The chair then declared Geo E Munroe duly elected Chief of Police for the City of Seattle
On motion of Guy the chief was notified of his reelection and invited into the council chamber to take part in the proceeding of the Board.
A motion by Crawford was made and carried that the Chief state to the Board his wishes in regard to the present force under him whereupon the cheif said that he had not considered the matter as fully as he would like to and requested that he be allowed to confer with the Board at an informal meeting and throughly canvass the situation with them: The request was granted.
A motion to appoint a physcian to examine applicants for position on the force was lost.
A motion to have applications placed in the in the hands of the Chief for consideration was carried.
The Clerk was instructed to turn over all applications in his possession to the Chief.
A motion by Ledgerwood to have the Chief prepare a blank form for applications was ammended as follows: That the Clerk under the direction & advice of the Corporation Counsel be instructed to prepare blank form and have them printed was carried.
Police Commissioners of the City of Seattle. 3
Oct 29 1890
A motion by Crawford to have the Chief submit at the next meeting a code of rules governing the Police Dept. for the inspection and approval by the Board was carried.
On motion a recess was taken until 7:30 P.M. Friday Oct 31, 1890.
Attest H.W. Miller City Clerk Approved By Wm. B Drown, Henry White Dept Clk Mayor
Oct 31 1890 Be it remembered that on the this 31st day of October AD 1890 The Board of Police Com. of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to adjournment and after recess; The following members are present; His Honor The Mayor Harry White Chr: and Coms W. E. Ledgerwood A H Manning, G. O Guy and S. L. Crawford; Chief Geo. C. Munroe Wm B. Drown Dept Clk
The following proceedings are had: Journal of the previous meeting was read and approved. A motion by Crawford that the Corporation Counsel be requested to prepare an ordinance authorizing the appointment of 75 patromen for the City was carried.
On motion a recess was taken until 7:30 PM Wednesday Mar 5th 1890
Attest H W Miller City Clk Approved By Wm B Drown Harry White Dept Clk Mayor
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