Police Commissioners of the City of Seattle 1
Oct 29
Be it remembered that on this the
29th Day if October AD 1890 The Board
of Police Commissioners of the City of Seattle,
Hold its first regular meeting prusuant
to law for the purpose of Organization:
The following Members are present:
His Honor the Mayor Harry White Chairman
A. H. Manning
W. E. Ledgerwood
G. O. Guy
S. L. Crawford
William B. Droan
Depty Clerk
The following procedings
are had: The meeting was called to order
by the chair: The first business before
the Board was the election of a Chief
for the Police Force.
Crawford moved
that the election of a chief be made the
first order of business. The motion was
seconded by Guy and carried:
The chair declared nomiations for the
position of Chief in order:
Guy placed in nomination the name of
George Munroe.
Ledgerwood placed in nomination the
name of Capt. H. W. Barr.
Crawford placed in nomination the name
of H. G. Thornton:
It was moved and seconded
that the nominations be now closed.
So ordered.
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