Page 21




Status: Complete

Sunday April 15 55 degrees Clear
Went to Jno: M Smith's and B Rush
Robert's, Ernest came over and
spent the day with Charley and they
went to "Meeting" together.
Afternoon Ernest, Charley and Dora
went to "Ingleside" and to hunt arbutus
Gilbert L Smith and his cousin "Matt"
called and smoked pipe with me.
I drove up to Fulford before tea.

Monday April 16 54 degrees Clear & Hazy E.
Mr. C Burns came after me
before I was out of bed. Went
to his house after early breakfast
Call at Mrs Hetty Stablers to see
Wm Moore. Charley and I went to River-
side and dined there bro: C came
home with us. Walked up to Sandy
Spring. Went to see Jno: Bentley-
Planted "Kittiltaney Blackberries-
Mailed letters to D W C and S. D. C.

Tuesday April 17 54 degrees Clear & Cloudy
Went to Jno Bentley and to office.
Charley and I "tinkered" about. Went to
Fulford taking H and the baby to spend
the day. Peter Williams sawed wood
1/2 day.

Wednesday April 18 55 degrees Clear & Cloudy E.
Was called up last night to visit
cousin Mary Chandlee. Went to see
Jno: Bentley and B Rush Roberts, thence
to office, to Mary Chandlee's and
"Leawood Mills", home to late dinner.
Lizzie Iddings, Lizzie Lea and Geo Stabler's
wife called at the house.

Thursday April 19 50 degrees Cloudy Rain
Went to office, to Lycurgus Powell's
cousin Mary Chandlee's and B. R. Robert's.
Took nap in afternoon. Thunder storm about
4.30 p. m. Sent for to see J. C. Bently again.

Friday April 20 50 degrees Showery S. W.
Several thunder showers during
last night. Slept none after midnight
Lycurgus Powell worked 3/4 of a day hewing and
mauling post. Went to see J C Bently and
B. R. Roberts. Afternoon repaired papering
in passage. Went to Powell's office and agian
to B Rush Robert's.

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