Page 26


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5 revisions
mearp1 at May 30, 2020 01:42 PM

Page 26

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Ther 47 degrees Cloudy & Rain Wind Variable
Nov 17th Tuesday
Extremely disagreeable all day.
I had hired Bulwain's horse to go to Rockville to go
to the meeting of the State Med: & [Chimna]: Society, but it was
so stormy I gave out of going. P. T. Stabler came to see me
& I went home with him in his buggy. I dressed his boy 's
infused face, after which he brought me home where I found a messenger waiting for me to go to see Angelina Thomas.
Willie hitched up "Fritz" to the phaeton & wenr with me:
it rained and blew almost a cyclone after we passed Ashton.
home to dinner: it rained & blew all the afternoon & cleared off
with a gale from N.W. at sunset and is much colder.
After supper Clifford Watters went home to his father's
to spend the night & make arrangemenrs to go to Washingtonon Saturday.
Edward was so much in-disposed with a wretched cold that
we kept him at home all day.

Right page
Ther: 20 degrees Clear Wind N.W.
The coldest day we have had by
far, the thermometer being 20 at 11-oclk with
a strong N.W. wind blowing all day
which made the sudden change much
harder to bear. I have felt frozen
up all day, having taken some cold
yesterday. Edwd did not go to school
having still a bad cold. I walked up
to the mill twice which was about
all the going out I did. I finished
putting on the lath in the pantry.
Read a nice letter from Charley
and answered it this evening.


Page 26

Left page
Ther 47 degrees Cloudy & Rain Wind Variable
Nov 17th Tuesday
Extremely disagreeable all day.
I had hired Bulwain's horse to go to Rockville to go
to the meeting of the State Med: & Chimna: Society, but it was
so stormy I gave out of going. P. T. Stabler came to see me
& I went home with him in his buggy. I dressed his boy 's
infused face, after which he brought me home where I found a messenger waiting for me to go to see Angelina Thomas.
Willie hitched up "Fritz" to the phaeton & wenr with me:
it rained and blew almost a cyclone after we passed Ashton.
home to dinner: it rained & blew all the afternoon & cleared off
with a gale from N.W. at sunset and is much colder.
After supper Clifford Watters went home to his father's
to spend the night & make arrangemenrs to go to Washingtonon Saturday.
Edward was so much in-disposed with a wretched cold that
we kept him at home all day.

Right page
Ther: 20 degrees Clear Wind N.W.
The coldest day we have had by
far, the thermometer being 20 at 11-oclk with
a strong N.W. wind blowing all day
which made the sudden change much
harder to bear. I have felt frozen
up all day, having taken some cold
yesterday. Edwd did not go to school
having still a bad cold. I walked up
to the mill twice which was about
all the going out I did. I finished
putting on the lath in the pantry.
Read a nice letter from Charley
and answered it this evening.
