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Status: Complete

2d mo. 20th 1875
The Enterprise Club met at R. B. Farguhar's,
at 4.30 P.M. Arthur Stabler was chosen forman
and W. W. Moore was appointed to endeavor to note the
proceedings, as our host would not be expected to do
himself justice and tell us what an immense amount
of enterprise and pluck it takes to get up at 5 oclock A.M.
and after getting fires started & to go down the steep hill
to the milk house, across that coldest of cold ravines and
climb that steep and slippery hill to reach that nice
new barn built since our last visit. The minutes of
the last meeting here, having been read, we started to
look around. The ice house was full and the ice covered
with forest leave which seem to be generally preferred at
this time. Two colts one three years old, the other two,
were seen at the old stable, and pronounced to be in good
condition. We were next invited into a dark room to
see some young pigs, but some of us who are not used to being
shut up so close, could not see any use of hiding anything
so fine as the pigs were supposed to be, judging by another
litter of mine that were seen in the full light of the sun,
in and open shed on the other side of the building more
pigs were next seen - five of which had the mange, although
they were black except a white belt around the body.
could that white belt have been the cause of the disease?
The shovel plows and the tools under the apple trees
were not more than half covered with snow, although the
sleighing was good! We next went to the barn, passing
by the milk house where we saw a lot of nice new milk
cans for sending milk to Washington- our host seems
pleased with the plan of selling milk as the work is much
less than where butter is made. The barn and long cow

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