Page 84




Status: Complete

The corn had been worked three times and was
being thined, the outside of the field all around looked
well, that in the low land in the middle, had suffered
severely with cut worms, been replanted three
times, and still did not stand. The ice with
fodder roof over it appeared to be keeping, and
several discouraged our host from walling it up
with the stones that had been hauled for that purpose.

The grass for hay was like most others this
dry spring, a rather light crop. The wheat in the
adjoining field was good, not so heavy as that in
front of the house, though having a large well filled
head. There are two other things worthy of mention
in these minutes. Our host says that he has his son
a boy of 13 years to keep the accounts with the hands,
and pay them their wages, a very good way to teach
him business habits, also that the hands are called
from the field at five o'clock on Saturday evenings.
The Stock Committee report that a short horn
bull has been purchased by a member. No Essays.

{1st }What ought a member to pay for depening
well in rock? $5.00 a foot.
{2d} What do with manure now. put on peach
orchard or on grass after mowing?
Orchard 1, Wheat stuble 1, grass 10.
{3d }What to do with cow with hard lag? Bathe & rub.
{4th} Price of pasturing 1 & 2 year old colts? 1, $4.00
3, $3.00 to $4.00, 1 $2.00 1, 2.00 to 3.00.
{5th} How much more stock will a field carry
by soiling than by pasturing? 2 say 5 times
3 say 4 times.

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