Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1873-1878

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We were shown a very marked effect from stone lime. Applied many years ago 50 Bus. per acre, showing a marked difference in the color, quality & quantity of the grass now growing.

A thrifty young peach orchard of near 1000 trees, now one year old, which were planted in the bud, was noticed.

On returning to the hosue, E P Thomas who was appointed sec for the last meeting, read the minutes, which were very full, & interesting; with many comments, & some good suggestions.

The supper came next in order, & like most of our Club suppers, it was gotten up at considerable expense & labor; involving a heavy tax upon our good wives, which seems to be increasing. Much plainer suppers would be advisable, & certainty much less labor to prepare.

1st Question what shall I plant in the Peach Rows in a young orchard. Cabbage & Beans are advised.

2nd shall we kill the crows ten say yes and 7 no.

3rd How is the best way to make a compost pile & what with. Several plans were proposed, & it was thought by many members that more attention should be given to the subject, as it was a very important part of our Farming operations.

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4th Is it best to dig around stumps to make them rot faster. was thought not, to pay

5th How shall I apply wood pile manure, & what is it worth. Put on sod, no estimated value.

6th Is Rye that is in head, suitable to feed to horses. Thought to be very good feed.

7th What do you think of harrowing Corn. ten would harrow, 2 no.

8th Shall I cut Rye out of wheat. ten would cut, 4 would not.

9th Should strawberries be mulched & how. yes, with straw

10th Will itr pay to use old sawdust. was thought it would.

11th Who has plowed deep and shallow for experiment. Only 2 or 3 have tried it.

12th How will you work your corn the first time. 4 would harrow, one cultivate, one doulbe shovel.

13th Would you put shell lime on sod or a plowed field. 7 for sod & six for plowed ground.

14th Should we sow wheat & grass in an orchard, leaving wide strip for the trees. 9 would sow & 3 not.

We had only tolerable good order during the business, some members talking so much that they did not hear the questsions. adjourned to E P Thomas, the 14th of next month, P T Stabler secy.

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6 mo 14th 1873 The Club met at Edwd P Thomas. The Secretary was very late coming, so that aftercalling upon Frederick Stabler to act as foreman, Wm S Bond was appointed as Sec. for the time. Thos J Lea, Wm S Brooke & R B Farquhar were absent. We had as guests Saml Townsend, Wm Jno. Thomas, Wm Lea, Charles Stabler, Gerard Hopkins & Edwd C Gilpin.

After reading the minutes of the last meeting here, they started for a round, noticing a very fine yearling Alderny Bull. The Garden was in usual good order. A very fine lot of Raspberry bushes were in full bearing nearby, presenting an unusually fine growth, & in good keeping with the thrifty Peach orchard with its dark green foliage & whitewashed trunks, & no grass about the roots to retard their growth.

The field of wheat looked heavy & well headed, estimated at near 25 Bus. per acre

On returning to the house & reading the minutes of the last meeting & dispatching a hearty supper, toped off with a plenty of Strawberries & cream, we were questioned as follows 1st Ques Will it pay to raise Calves.

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Ans not unless they are of some improved stock.

2nd Quse Shall I get a sickle or smooth edge knife for Reaping, 13 sickle 1 smooth.

3rd What shall I do with my Corn that has been eaten off a second time with worms, Most would say run out again with plow.

4th Shall I raise veal Calves from short horn Bull, though best after the Cows have their growth.

5th Is it best to salt or not to salt stock. This is a new question & caused considerable discussion. No one knew much about keeping stock without salt.

6th What is the right time to sow corn for stock, & the best [king?] Sweet Corn, drilled about June 1st

7th How much deduction on Wash. price shall I make, when selling Hay & delivering 3 or 4 miles from home 5 say 15 cents, 2 say 22 cents, six 20 cents.

8th Is it most profitable to raise steers or heifers, 7 say heifers, 4 steers.

9th What shall I do with a crop of Barn yard Manure, 14 would put it on a poor stubble field, 2 on Potato ground & 1 on grass land.

10th What to do with our hosts poor field after Manuring & Liming 7 would put in Corn next year, 9 would

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Pasture it & one sow in Buckwheat.

11th Is it cheaper to haul stone & Burn Lime, or buy shells & burn, 8 for shells 5 for stone.

12th Shall I sow wheat & grass seed in an Apple orchard, 8 would sow clover alone, 2 with wheat & clover, 5 oats & clover.

13th What shall I do with a Kiln of shell Lime, 7 would put on stubble grass

14th Shall I trim grape vines now some say yes

At a meeting of the Club held 3rd mo 8th it was proposed to go in a body to the election of officers for the County Fair to be held June 10th. 13 members were present at this meeting, & when the Election came off, the Enterprise Club was represented by 13 of its members.

Adjourned to Wm S Bonds 7 mo 5th

Pt Stabler, sec.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sandy Spring Museum
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 161 in total