Page 89




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convention. The amount was immediately raise
and he directed to pay it over to the
proper person. The committee on the
Market House Company was continued
B.H Miller desired advice in
regard to applying Oyster Shell lime
on new pine land, tennant to do the
work, he to pay them 7cts per bu for
delivering the shells on the place. 13 mem
said do it.
P. T. Stabler censured members
for not sending in their crop reports
to the sec. So that he might make a
full report to the Convention.
R.M. Stabler asked if he should
engage to deliver 200 Potatoes in W. C.
next mo. at 75 cts per bu? Ans. Nearly
unanimous yes.
W. W. Moore asked did it-pay
to hold the annual convention? Ans-
14 to 3 in favor of it
Arthur Stabler wanted to know
which to sell now Clover or Timothy hay?
Ans. We told him Clover.
Samuel Hopkins is puzzled to
know what to do with surplus corn?
Ans. T. J. Lea says buy small pigs at
drove yard & feed for summer market.
W. S. Bond & R.M. Stabler agreed with
T. J. Lea, provided the pigs could be
purchased at moderate prices. Gran Far=

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