Page 53




Status: Complete

Presented our usual walk, tho' we were told
that everything had been put in order
for our inspection. There was very general
complaints of scarcity of fruit or egg plants
this season, without any good cause for
the same being brought forward. P. R. Stabler
recommended very highly, the white Japan
cantaloupe: a delicious melon. A few members
had gotten tomatoes from vines running
on the ground, tho' it was generally considered
adviseable to train the vines to a trellis
of some kind. If this cannot be done, they
should be protected from the ground by straw.
Dr. F. Thomas had used in Virginia,
stakes 8ft. high, and the plants highly
confined to them with tanned rope: this
plan was said to be very satisfactory. At
what hour should a wash woman begin
work? And how many hours are considered
a day? Those present employing such help
gave the following report: but the hours named
did not always give satisfaction to the employer:
5 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. - 6.00 to 7.00.
6 to 8 or finish next morning, 6.30 until
washing fas finished. It was decided that
it would be more satisfactory to pay by the
week, instead of the day, as it is very difficult
to determine just what should constitute

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