Club Minutes: The Home Interest Society, 1877-1885



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by Fall plowing unless the ground was left in ridges.

8th What are the best kinds of raspberries to plant? Philadelphia and Mamoth Cluster most liked. The [Autumn], Clarke "Roger Farquhar" and Herstine were also mentioned

9th What will improve Beulah Thomas' lawn? Plow plant in potatoes and then sow grass

P. I. Stabler had cast iron sausage machine that made meat fine enough with one cutting Sallie Brooke's home made machine was considered the best. A very satisfactory sifter coal ashes is made by placing a sieve on top of a barrel. The ashes are good for peach trees, The Laundry question was revived and a request made that we get statistics from Prof. Hartshorne as to the cost of running Laundry. M. B. Thomas made an appeal on behalf of the S. S. Library. There was but little gained in showing up the sleepy husbands, as each one evidently took pride in having so much company. There were however 3 or 4 who did not spend the entire evening asleep. S. T. Miller- A S Thomas and Isaac Hartshorne were continued to read at Plainfield Jan. 5th 1878 Adjourned

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84th Meeting

The "Home Interest met at Plainfield 5th 1878 with a bare quorum present. Sickness weddings and the weather having kept a majority of members away. The minutes were ready by a Sec pro tem, and we took but a short walk which was to the supper table. After that was most thoroughly discussed, we proceeded to answer the following questions.

1st What is a jar of ginger worth, without the ceramics? Dont know.

2nd Who favors dropping the skipping? A majority therefore the skipping is dropped.

3rd Do most people use the unbreakable lamp chimneys? Most of those present succeed in breaking all they get hold of, regardless of their name. But Mary B. Thomas reported a servant? as having unbreakable chimneys, that have with stood the fury of the elements and domestic storms for a fabulous length of time. We hope they will be on exhibition at the next meeting at "Belmont" Some of us never saw such; they may fairly be classed the 8th Wonder of the World. W.W. Moore also praised that kind of chimney having used them.

4th How to protect spinach that is now 6 in high? Brush is good- Grass lays too closely.

5th Who are familiar with cider jelly? A sample was shown that was very much jelled & its taste was

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pronounced delicious. It cost 11 ¢ per lb.

6th What kind of blacking shall I use in a coal stove in which fire is always kept up? "Commbsy Comfort" - British Lustre and black lead, all highly spoken of; black lead is probably best. Felix Stabler recommended a varnish that has given great satisfaction the name of which was not learned but can be found in our receipt book.

7th Anna L Moore moved we increase our numbers to 13 couples? Which was agreed to. The chairman proposed that the names of applicants be shaken in a hat, and one drawn therefrom.

8th Would Plainfield land be improved by removal of rural fences? 13 would remove & 3 let it stand

9th Is it too late to manure strawberry bed? Never too late or too early, too hot or too cold.

10th Who are in favour of establishing a whipping post? 8 for 5 against it.

11th Which would be preferable around the yard at Lucknough, a fence or hedge? 3 hedge 8 fence Mary B Thomas read a very economical article. Sarah T. Miller read from Friends Intelligencer, "Intercourse with Children"

12th Is Lord Brougham's idea that a boy's character is formed at 6 years old, correct? Unanimous No W.W. Moore & Beulah Thomas were named to read next time. Cornelia Stabler to read should either of the above be absent. Adjourned to meet at Belmont Feb. 9th 1878.

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85th Meeting

Nine members of the "Home Interest" met at "Belmont" Feb.9th 1878, considerably earlier than usual. After waiting hopefully for our absent[ ?] we began business at five. The combined result of snow and rain made us loth to take a walk, even to see the spring-house which is said to be perfect in its way; so we commenced with the question

1st"How many eggs do you get a day?" C Stabler has 120 hens, and gets one. Sarah B. Lea gets eleven doz per week. She feeds the hens in corn meal and red pepper. The other members average about one egg to five hens, at this season.

2nd How often should lettuce in a cold frame be watered? Recommended not to give much water but infrequently in moderate weather.

3rd How soon shall we set hens? Some advise as early as middle of Feb. but a majority think the middle of March soon enough. E.P.Thomas wishes to make an independent fortune in chickens, has a variety of breeds. He is advised to get young hens and continue to keep mixed breeds mostly of Leghorn, Spanish & Pheasants, if eggs are the chief object.

4th What is the proper time to sow cabbage seed in a cold frame? Early in March.

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5th How and when should I sow celery seed? Sow in hot beds or very early in open ground.

6th What is the greatest age, at which chicken can be sold a good article? After two years they should be called old chickens; but if fat, they will sell as stewing chickens at a much greater age.

7th Does any member know of a furnace for heating houses with wood? Very little apparent knowledge on the subject.

8th Is it right to prosecute a rogue when caught? A great variety of opinions, from no opinion at all, to a great deal of opinion. One member thought it was right, but would not do it; another thought the increasing amount of theft due, in a great measure, to the tacit encouragement given it, by the employers not having the moral courage to make an example of each case, and thought it a duty to the community to carry out the law. Another thought it would do no good; another that it would be an expense to the country, & render the prosecution very unpopular with the colored people; another thought in an intelligent community like this, popularity should be the last consideration and duty the first, no matter how expensive, inconvenient or unpleasant.

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