Page 76




Status: Needs Review


Leawood Mills-

flour to right consistency - Small tea cup gran. sugar.
Enough brown flour in batter to work lightly - butter on

How shall Bordeaux mixture be applied to prevent a dance
at Olney during harvest? Shall it be put on the girls
or their mothers? Various opinions were expressed.
As it was originated by girls the blame seemed to rest
upon them. One mother thought the great influence of
parents could keep the dance from being well patronized.
& all thought it hard upon young men to be out until
two & work next day in the harvest field.
One successful farmer said a sensible young man
with his living to make would stay at home - but he
seemed to have forgotten the blue tint that comes over the
most yellow field of wheat. when a young man works on
knowing that his best girl has gone off with the "other fellar."
Finally one guest present suggested that as the Horticultural
Home Int. Grange & three Clubs meet regularly through
harvest thereby taking the members nearly all one afternoon
from the fields perhaps the young men have
better be allowed one dance even if a few hours were
lost the next morning for general repairs.
Then by a great effort of memory it was discovered that for
nearly 50 years the young men of S. S. have been
considered hovering on the brink of destruction by
various gaieties in harvest in years gone by
they even stayed out until nearly ten o'clock!

Mrs. Haviland bought in a very curious
[combination] of growth for us to inspect. A large
Cereus Robusta Cactus upon which the trailing

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