Club Minutes: Horticultural Society, 1871-1880



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H/9/1872 -2

8 Some members have Lima beans sweet corn and other vegetables very much earlier than their neighbors. Is it because they plan any particular kinds? On the case of lima beans it was thought by those who had them very early, it was entirely owning to very early planting. The member who had corn earliest planed "Moore's Early Concord" from B. K. Bliss.

We had a delightful walk through the lawn vineyard and gardne. The English Walnut tree promises a good crop this fall. Vegetables were look ing well except the cabbage. The Turkies had been making free with it much to the disgust of our hostess.

We noticed some large pear trees from which had been sold, this season, seven ty-one bushels.

Adjourned to meet at Alloway next month.

Last edit over 3 years ago by alliearmengol
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H.10/1872 -1-


X Mo V 1872

Nearly all our members were present and many agreeable guests.

Our president was absent as we miss him so very much that we feel grateful to him that he does not absent himself often.

The flower table was very brilliant a beautiful display of elegant flowers from Avalon and Brook Grove, Roses Dahlias, Geraniums &c, lovely bouquets from Long wood, Norwood and Riverside, a beautiful arrangement of wild flowers from Springdale and to crown all a large pyramid of ex quisite Roses and other flowers from Hermon. It was so large and elegant that one member asked the owner if she had not had an ox cart to bring it, which showed she appreciated the quantity of flowers in it, all from one garden.

The specimens were four kinds of sweet potatoes from Hermon and a basket of figs from R. R. Moore which were pronounced by one who knew to be just as fine as those she had been accustomed to in Norfolk.


1 What should be done with flower beds after taking up plants in the fall? Top dress and work it in

Last edit over 3 years ago by RobertMyers
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even if already rich, it cannot be too rich.

2 What is the best way to keep Geraniums during winter? Most members succeed best by packing in a box and putting in a cellar where they will not freeze; some prefer a dark cellar where they will not require water and others a light cellar and water once a week or two weeks. One member had succeeded with hang ing them up dry roots up but others who had tried that plan were digusted by their plants being so very late in blooming

3 How can Salvias be kept during winter? Keep in a dry place where water will not freeze. Trim back considerably after they are done blooming.

4 How can Heliotropes be kept? The same treatment as for Salvias.

5 How often should the plants in a conservatory be watered? Only when they seem dry. Once a week will be often enough ex cept for plants in small pots.

6 Is it too late to head in an oleander to make it bushy? The best time is Aug. and the growth made after that will, it is thought bloom the next season - but those who have more than one plant advised to experiment.

7 What is the proper treatment for a Daphne Indica? Keep in a cool room where it will have little or no sunshine.

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H/10/1872 -3-

8 How can verbeans be kept over winter? In a pit of cold frame, or a south room without fire where they will not be killed by freezing. D A Lea gave the plan of a florist near Wilmington for their treatment during summers. PLant in a bed to themselves and dust with sulphur every few weeks.

9 Would it do to trim grape vines now while the weather is pleasant? The favor ite time is February tho' it was thought it would do any time after they lose their leaves

10 Should seedling grapes from grapes raised in California be set out now? It was thought best to keep in the house the first winter

11 What is the best time to move rose bushes? Early in the spring.

12 How can a Calla Lily be made to bloom? No one had had any diffi culty in having them bloom after they were old enough. It was recommend ed that they should be repotted and have all the side shoots removed.

13 How can we have tuberoses bloom in the winter? Do not plant the bulbs till very late.

14 When should gladiolus roots be taken up? When the tops are dead.

15 Is the Lilium Rubrum hardy? Yes.

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H/10/1872 -4.

M. B. Magruder recommends those who are troubles with having the America and Microphylla roses blight to trim off two thirds of the buds and the other third will not blight.

The vegetable garden seemed full tho' we were told the boarders had eaten every thing up. They were still enjoying sweet corn. The flower garden was in beautiful order and contained a dainty repast of buds and blossoms for Jack Frost.

Last edit over 3 years ago by RobertMyers
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 224 in total