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To Make A Dish call'd Leoman Creame
Take 4 great Leomans slice ym very thin and shred
the slices very small then putt ym into a Porringer
and Squease Unto it Juce of 4 Leomans so lett ym
steep About 3 or 4 houres yn take ye yolkes of 6
or 7 Eggs and but 3 of ye whits beat ym well togeather
and Putt to ym ye Leoman Juce with ye Pill and A
large Porringer and A halfe of faire water and as
much Rose water as you think will give it A
little taist you may alsoe Add A Little Ambergreas
if you Please Stir ym well togeather yn Straine them
through A Streaner and Season it with fine Sugar
According to your taist yn sett it on A chafen dish
of coles Stiring it continnually it must Scald but
not boyle and so be kept untill it be as thick as
ye Sest creame yn serve it Could

To make Butered Oringes
Take ye yolks of 12 eggs and butt halfe ye whits beat
them well togeather and Putt to ym ye Juce of 8
Oringes Strane it and Season it with Sugar yt is
very finely beaten and a little water and some
Amber grease and Putt into it A little Sweet Butter
About ye bigness of A Wallnutt; yn Sett it over A chafen dish
of coles Keep it well Stired untill it groues thick
it will be apt to burne if you have not a care when
it is thick Putt it in your dishes and Stick it
with green Cytran thin cutt or what you like Better
Serve it up cold

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