



Status: Complete

[Rubric: Liber tercius]

SOmmo maestro creator veracie
Percui il cielo eterra facti sono
E cioche in essi si contiene egiacie
Conciede per tua gracia e per tuo dono
Che possa seguitar come at[e?] piacie
Con chiaro stile e con aperto suono
A figurar la terra el mare e/ venti
Si che sennabbia boni intendimenti
[Rubric: Zone]
Fannosi quactro plaghe per monstrar[e?]
Isiti della terra et ogni parte
Dalloriente verso il corichale
Si fanno cinque çone inalcunarte
Et octo venti son per navighare
I nomi principali e meçerti etquarte
Questi ne fanno Lume a bene intendere
De qualche parte la cosa dey comprendere
[rubric: deventi]
Zeffiro equel che noi dicam ponente
E coro maestrale e aquilone
Tramontana si chiama e poi seguente
Borea dicto greco euro si pone
Perlo levante e notho in contienente
Syrocho ha nome e seguita affricone
Che meçço el ultimo del chiostro
Libeccio overo garbino che se dice ostro

[Image: Right margin, top, a diagrammatic map showing the Earth as a circle with a double outline, oriented with East at the top and divided vertically into five climate zones, left to right: northern frigid zone colored blue grey (label: frigida Zona), northern temperate habitable zone (label: Temperata et habitabile), equatorial torrid zone colored red (label: Torrida Zona.), southern temperate zone (label: Temperata), and southern frigid zone colored blue-grey (label: frigida).]

[Image: Right margin, middle, a diagrammatic map showing the Earth as a circle with a double outline, oriented with East at the top and divided into quarters by lines indicating the directions of the four regions of the world. From the top clockwise, the regions are: eastern region (label: Plaga orientale.), southern region (label: Plaga meridionale.), western region (label: Plaga occidentale.), and northern region (label: Plaga settentrionale.).]

[Image: Right margin, bottom, a wind chart of the world shown as a circle with a double outline, oriented with East at the top and subdivided by radius lines into sixteen sections representing wind directions. From the top clockwise, sixteen winds are named, one in each section but grouped in pairs by wind direction: East (label: levante) (label: Euro.), Southeast (label: sirochio.) (label: noto.), South (label: mezodi.) (label: affrico.), Southwest (label: libechio.) (label: austro.), West (label: ponente.) (label: zefiro.), Northwest (label: maistrale) (label: coro.), North (label: tramontana) (label: aquilone.), and Northeast (label: greco.) (label: borea.).]

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