Page 13




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Here begins the table of the rubrics of this pre-
sent volume called the mirror of the world. And firstly:
The prologue stating to whom this volume belongs.
Following, is the prologue of the transla-
tor, stating the substance of this present
volume. Folio 1.
Here begins the book called the mirror of the world
and speaks first of all of the power of God. Fo-
lio 2.
Why God made and created the whole world. Fo-
lio 4
Why God formed man in his image and sem-
blance. Folio 5.
Why Our Lord did not make man such that he
cannot sin. Folio 6.
Why and how the seven liberal arts were
invented and of their ordering. Folio 10.
Of the three kinds of people and how clergy
come first in France. Folio 20.
Then [it] speaks of grammar Folio 23
Then of logic. Folio 24
Then of rhetoric. Folio 24

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Marie Richards

Additional transcription conventions:
NB I had originally modernized i/j and u/v and regularized hyphens and apostrophes. I've taken all those out.

abbreviations expanded in italics.

rubrics marked in red in transcription, and as [rubric] in translation.
Text in red or blue marked as follows: [left carat]span style="color:red"[right carat][left carat]b[right carat][left carat]/b[right carat][left carat]/span[right carat] .

Image descriptions are taken from the Walters catalogue:

Marie Richards

Cf. BL Royal MS 19 A IX f 1r
Caxton, ed. Prior, p. 1
OF, ed. Prior, p 57