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Ans. July 28/93.

Salinas, Cal., July 27, 1893.

Mrs. Stanford,

Menlo Park, Cal.

My dear Mrs. Stanford:- I was on my way to my Modoc Ranch
when I received the painful intelligence of the death of Governor
Stanford. Altough it was not entirely unexpected, ^ still it came to me like
a dream. I could scarcely realize the fact that he was dead. I little
expected it so soon. I feel like I had lost a warm and sincere friend.
I do not believe there was a man in California that I was more attached
to than Gov. Stanford. I had always found in him a warm and sincere
friend. I can say the same of yourself too. I feel like I could not
let it pass by without giving you my condolence.

Gov. Stanford and yourself both have always been so kind and
sincere with me that I feel like I had lost one of my best friends.
Not being a society man myself, it always appeared to me that Gov.
Stanford and yourself understood that, and therefore treated me as a
plain and sincere friend which I was. I hope it will continue between
yourself and myself. My daughter, Mrs. Seale and I have often spoken
of both of you. We both viewed you in the same light.

If there is anything on earth that I can do to assist you in
your troubles, I would be but too proud to do it. I know you to be a
woman of courage and resolution, and I believe you have a determination
strong enough to carrry out what you believe Gov. Stanford would have done
had he have lived.

Again expressing my great grief and sorrow at your loss, I am,
Most truly and sincerely your friend,

J. D. Carr

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