Untitled Page 52
If Charities Were Pooled
Old-age pensions are advocated [in] vari-
ous parts of the world. We have some-
times wondered what the result would
be if in the United States all benefits
and all charities were pooled and dis-
tributed to all men and women past 65
years of age, says the Washington Times.
There certainly would be enough to give
everyone a considerable retiring allow-
ance. Suppose $140,000,000 given to sol-
diers and their dependants, all the money
expended in homes of many kinds for
aged people, and all other allowances
made by individuals, corporations or
charitable societies were evenly distrib-
uted, would there not be enough to keep
every man and woman from suffering?
If such a geenral [sic] distribution were made
to all persons of the requisite age, there
would be no unpleasant distinction be-
tween giver and recipient.
The old-age pension means simply a
trust or combination in charities, and is
one of the things which is almost cer-
tain to come, because it will have money
and add something to the dignity and
comfort of human life.
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