Untitled Page 54




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Interest paid up in full
up to Sept 21st 1901
now Mrs Stanford you may think
it Strange me a Stranger away in
Wis sending such a letter
but I will do as I say and
if I could see you and
explain my situation you would
give the small amount I said
it wood [sic] be like a thousand to
some I am only 51 years old was
in the civol [sic] war only 14 years
old and havent been very strong
since I got a little pension $8.00
per month I wont state the amount I
really need but could weather
storms nicley [sic] with $300.00 or $500.00
Three or five Hundred at 7 percent,
send any papers you wish with
Draft or we will fix them and send
to you fist [sic] as I am not afraid House
& 2 lotts [sic] if you think well of this
answer at once. Respt J.B. Martin

Hoping you will & good will bless you Box 375
Yours respt

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