Untitled Page 3




Status: Complete

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NewCastle Creek
Grand Lake
Queens County
New Brunswick
2nd Jan 1902

Dear Lady Stanford

I have taken the very
great liverty [sic] of addressing you, but I
do feel to sincerely hope that you
may be an with me and please
allow me to call you friend.
And when I give you a brief and
sad history of my life I think that
You will forgive me for making so
free. First I desire to give you
a few outlines of my parentage.
My parents came from Stranraer
Scotland my father was a merchant
of that town and my Mother was
a Merchant's daughter. My
fathers father was a tenant
farmer My grandfather came
to America and as my father
was young in years was induced
to follow soon after where

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with severe pain and dizziness in
his dear head-my dear brother
was very ingenious could work at
anything in common he used to clerk but
could not get anything of that to do of late.
The poor dear worked in pain on a
building a few days before his death.
Oh dear friend I am bowed down
with grief some times I fear I
shall have to sink beneath my
heavy load except some kind of
friend may reach out in sympathy &
hand to me in my lonely and dark
hours oh so sudden the message
came for my dear brother in the
quiet hours of the night on early dawn
My dear brother went to bed he
suffering as he had done for some
time the next morning I was
told my dear brother was

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