Untitled Page 4




Status: Complete

help me financially. I have made
free to write to you as a Lady
for I feel there are no one can
realize a womans sufferings as
woman can. Thus I hope
and feel that you may not pass
me by. Dear friend I have not
asked you in my own strength
alone Oh may I hope to hear
from you. If you kindly remember
me I trust that it may be as
bread cast upon the waters
and it shall be gratefully acknow-
ledged. And dear friend if you
wish me to I shall rejoice in
send you the name and
address of the Minister of the
Church to which I belong
and also the physician that

[left side]
I trust again never to part. But
oh the loneliness and anguish
of heart I endure, Oh dear friend,
while in my weakness I try to look
above for strength to bear my sorrows.
Dear friend I feel so hope that you
may sympathize with me in my
severe earthly bereavement and
body sufferings I have been left to
lonely I suffer much for care
and have suffered for the necesscities
of life I could get a friend to
take care of me for $2. or two
dollars a week and perhaps
less, or if I had the means
to go to the United States
to a hospital. I have dear
friends there yet are unable to

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