Untitled Page 8




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regard to this work as soon as possible, and
I shall endeavor faithfully to carry them out.
I have been waiting for some time in the
hope that I might be allowed to see you,
but now that I have taken the liberty of
addressing you, permit me to ask one more
question. You remember, the first time I had
the honor of calling upon you, early in June,
I asked if we might not, in order to supple-
ment the collections, have some stereopticon-viewer
to illustrate Greek Sculpture. You could not answer
then, but said you would talk it over with Mr.
Stanford and then give me answer. If your
answer is favorable, we must have the
order sent very soon, if we are to have the
pictures in time for the beginning of the work
in September. And, hoping that your answer
will be for the pictures, I enclose a
letter from Professor A. C. Merriam, of Co-
lumbia College, which contains the best

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