Untitled Page 2




Status: Indexed

because of the very
sad and unexpected
relations in which we
have been thrown in
connection with Mr.
's illness. We
went as helpers to others
with heavier woe, and
I constantly said to
myself who will God
call next to the higher
life. I came from there
thinking with so few
to love us with such
love as dear children
give parents our loss
to the world would
be a reuniting on our
part to our precious
boy and many would
not mourn - but the
tide of thought turned
when I received your tender
loving words on the card
and the beautiful rem-
embrance that was sent
to poor me. I felt dear
May that there was
need for me to ask
the dear Father for
his forgiveness when
he was so tenderly impre-
ssing you and Tim to
remember us with our
stricken sorrow still
upon us. Dear May I
hold your love very dear
to my heart, also dear
Tims, my heart reaches
out with yearnings never
uttered for love in its
unselfish purity such

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Mr. Logan is John A. Logan who died on Dec. 26, 1886, suggesting this letter was written on Jan. 2, 1887 instead of 1886.