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11 AM
October 1 1862
Sacramento Sept 29
His Excellency the President
As the Central Pacific RRd Co of California are desirous to commence the immediate presentation of their portion of the Pacific RR Will you please inform me what evidence you will require to fix the western base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains as for section eleven of the Pacific Railroad Bill will the evidence of the United States Surveyor General of the state of California or either of them be sufficient. Please answer by telegraph Leland Stanford Gov of Cal
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June 25th 1862
His Excellency
Abraham Lincoln
President of the United States
Dear Sir:
I have great pleasure in the opportunity presented of introducing to you the Hon S. B. Bell of San Francisco who contemplates a visit to his friends in the Atlantic states. Mr. Bell has for many years been identified with the growing prosperity of our State, a portion of the time as a clergyman, later as a legislator in both branches of our legislative body, but always as a high minded, earnest, and reliable
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Republican and it would afford me more than ordinary gratification should he find himself successful in his mission to the national capitol.
with great respect I have the honor to be your Excellency’s
Most Obs. Svt,
Leland Stanford
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[Time Received] 8 PM
[United States Military Telegraph] [War Department] [Washington, D.C.] Sept 3 [1862]
Sacramento 4th
His Ex Abraham Lincoln
Our General Election was held yesterday The result is triumphant & overwhelming victory in favor of the Union & the National Administration
Leland Stanford
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California -- San Francisco Leland Stanford's [opinions?]
Collector -- Ira P. Renkins - Surveyor of Port - John T. McLean - Navel[sic] officer - S. C. Gund - Navy Agent - Richard Chaney - Appraiser General - Charles G. Thomas Appraiser - Charles A. Watts Appraiser - John P. Zans Sub. Treasurer -- William Sherman Port-Master - Mint - D. W. Cheesman Treasurer - Courier - Ref[unds?] - David E Turner - Dis-Atty - William U. Weeks - Marshal -S.D - Marsal. N.D. - Geo. W. Bryant_ Sup. Ind. N.D. John F Chellis Do. S.D. John P. H. Wentworth - Surveyor General - Joseph A. Nunes. Dr. B. W. HathawayIns. D[ir] Justin Gates.
[Along right side]
Receiver at San. F. F. [Fango?] Register - Geo. B Tingly - good Water S. Denis, for met[ler?] & refiner.