Untitled Page 18




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a number of English private schools. I worked for two years for the North British Review, and did a considerable amount of literary work of various kinds. During the last two years of my London career I enjoyed the friendship of prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte, the distinguished philologist. I was introduced to him by prince [Jerome?] Napoleon, through my brother Dr. Olaf [Grulogsen?], who for many years has resided at Paris, France. Under the auspices of prince Bonaparte I once read a paper before the philological society of Great Britain. My last literary work in England was a translation of Gothe's Wilhelm Meister for a London Publishing Firm. My last private pupils in London were Lady and Miss Drummond Wolff, the wife and daughter of the noted English Statesman Sir Henry D. Wolff. I left England because I had found no opening in the English Universities. In this country, however, my whole career since the year 1880, has been beset with many difficulties. I have incessantly been pulled this way and that way, particularly by catholics and other denominations. The first two winters I taught in Roman Catholic [Initiations?] in New York City, and thereupon, at the suggestion of Mr. Horace White, for whom I had translated the science of finance from the Italian language, I went out West. During the next two winters I taught in Madison, Wis.

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