Correspondence (outgoing)

to J. W. Knox: Electioneer to cover Knox's mare 1886 Jan 25; to RR officials: extend courtesies for Miss A. Lathrop 1886 Feb 9; to Ariel Lathrop (tel): send Miss. Valley Construction Co. stock 1886 July 22; to Pres. Grover Cleveland: support for P. O. in San Francisco 1887 March 3; to J. Stanford (tel): travel plans 1887 May 30; to J. Stanford (tel): travel plans 1887 May 31; to C. Huntington (tel): attitude in investigation by Pac. Ry. Commission 1887 Sep 23; to T. Hopkins: location of new depot; no liquor to be sold in vicinity 1888 Jan 8; to Robert Bonner: re Bonner's horse Lucy Cuyler 1888 Dec 28; to W.S.U. Clement: please give Bancroft some facts on Stanford's life 1889 Feb 15; to Mrs. Henry Vrooman (tel): condolences on death of Mr. Vrooman 1889 April 11; to Mrs. A. Carter (tel): sending $50 contribution 1889 May 31


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stay tonight have been much occupied and interested with what we have seen, Tomorrow we expect to visit San Fernando and go over the branch to Wilmington & Santa Anta then start for Home

Hope you are well.

Leland Stanford

Last edit about 1 year ago by MaryV
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From Leland Stanford

Feb. 9, 1886

Asking R. R. officials to extend courtesy Miss A. M. Lathrop, travelling to Cal. alone.

Last edit about 2 years ago by MaryV
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[preprinted] United States Senate,

Washington, D. C., [/preprinted] Jan. 25, 1886.

Mr. J. W. Knox

c/o [Mess?]: Tracy & Wilson

Lexington Ky.

Dear Sir,

Yours of 21st inst: to hand.

It will give me great pleasure to tender to Mr. Alexander the free use of Electioneer to cover the Sister to Maud S.

Very Truly Yours

Leland Stanford


Last edit almost 5 years ago by hesperus
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[preprinted] United States Senate,

Washington, D.C., [/preprinted] March 3, 1887

Hon. Grover Cleveland.

President of the United States.

My dear Sir:

The bill making an appropriation for the purchase of a site for a Post office at San Francisco, California, has been sent to you for your consideration.

The present Post office at San Francisco is in a wretched condition and a new one is imperatively demanded.

In the pressure of business before you, I hope it will not escape your attention.

Very truly Yours,

Leland Stanford

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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[preprinted] SENATE CHAMBER

WASHINGTON [/preprinted]

February 9. 1886

To Railroad Officials.

Miss A. M. Lathrop, a sister of Mrs. Stanford, is travelling to California unattended, and I shall be very much obliged for any courtesy that may be extended to her to make her journey pleasant


Leland Stanford

President Central Pacific & Southern Pacific R. R.

Last edit about 1 year ago by MaryV
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 21 in total