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[Rcvd. Janry 25/69.?]

Ogden January 15th 1869

Friend Mark

On my return from Omaha I
found quite a number of letters from you, they were
all interesting as your letters always are and each one
deserved an answer, but as Huntington was going on
to California I concluded he should answer all.

He has been and returned, and it has been
a great satisfaction to me that he has been out
and learned the true state of matters.

Col Gray left here this morning for California.
He will be able to post you as to matters here more
fully than I can write. The weather continues
remarkably good. So far for us it has been a
failure in great part?. Ives says two years
ago last September when he was at Echo Summit snow fell
four feet. Such a fall of snow this year would
have saved us notwithstanding the slow
progress of our track. After the {words crossed out}
report of the Special [Commrs?] on the U.P. { next words crossed out]
showing clearly an unfinished road
[word crossed out] Govt gave the U.P. its full amount of
bonds. It is not very encouraging for us
to believe that they will withhold bonds

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[Rup. Jonny 25/bq.?] - Should read Rcvd: January 25 [BG?]
but as Hunting [Tors?] - Should read Huntington


Edit to Above:

Line 1: [Rup. Jonny 25/bq.?] - Should read "Rcvd: January 25"
Line 7: Hunting [Tors?] - Should read "Huntington"
Line 13: [h?]ash - Should read "help"'
Line 17: [Eclis S] - Should read "Echo Summit"