Chinese Club Minute Book, 1916-1963

Minute book of the Chinese Club at Stanford University.




2:50 P.M. Regular Meeting June 12,1919

Meeting was called to order by President Lee, with Mr. Hall absent.

M.S.C. That the present executive officers of the club shall remain in their respective offices during the Summer Quarter.

M.S.C. That the following amendment be made to Art. IV of the Constitution:- Hereafter, the election of officers shall be held at the first meeting of the quarter instead of at the end of the quarter.

M.S.C. That the President shall assume the position of the councilman to the C.S.A. for the remaining of the college year.

M.S.C. That the President shall appoint a present member of the club at the beginning of each quarter to investigate the scholastic records of members and to fix the amount of fine or awards according to the rule made in the meeting of April 1, 1919.

Meeting adjourned at 3:50 P.M.

Respectfully, W.C. Meh Se'y

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou


Clarence K. Chan 陳伯權 Henry Why Yee 余懷德 A.F. Chuck 卓芳 William C. Meh 麥裕銓 Nga Yau Yue 余雅猷 Yu Li 李育 B.L. Chen 陈蓽霖 H. Wu 吳沆 Gumdock Chan 陈金德 Hwang Pu 黃傅 Sam Chew 趙森 Sik Sham Lee 李錫琛 Leonard Shih-Lieu Hsu 許仕廉 Shen Mong Ling 凌舒謨 S.H. Wu 吳学孝

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou


Autumn Quarter


Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou


8:10 P.M. Regular Meeting Oct. 2,1919

Meeting presided by Chairman S.S. Lee.

Election of officers for the Autumn Quarter, 1919, followed, with the following elected:Chairman....................................Clarence K. Chan English Secretary.........................Henry W. Yee Chinese secretary and Treasurer...S. Sham Lee Representatives to C.S.A., for 1919-1920 H. Wu W.C. Meh

Discussions:- The following discussions took place, but without definite decision:-

(1). The continuation of the money-raising campaign during this quarter. (2). Amendments to the present constitution. (3). Enforcement of the club scholastic ruling, enacted April 1,1919. (4). Increasing the club dues.

Meeting adjourned 10 P.M.

Yours respectfully, William C. Meh Sec'y

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou


Oct 10, 1919

Special Meeting

The Oct. 10th celebration was observed at our house. All members gathered together and celebrated the eighth birthday of our Republic. A very elaborate program made the evening well spent and brought us right back to the very heart of China.

Chairman C.K. Chan called the special meeting at 8 p.m. and introduced the speakers. Mr. H.H. Wu spoke on the subject "Good Hope of China"; Mr. Pu Hwang gave his talk "Co-operation"; Mr. Hsu spoke on the subject "Your Duty"; and the was Mr. Meh "What can you give to our Country".

After the speaker delivered their speeches, we continued our business meeting. Invite Prof. Treat two weeks from today to discuss the Shungtung Issue.

I Club house membership fee raised from fifty cent to $1.00 per quarter, motions were made and passed.

Respectfully submitted, H.W. Yee

Last edit over 3 years ago by awhtou
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 618 in total