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Nupec + Marine Nut stayed steady. On Tuesday when I heard this I panicked and decided to sell. But let's go back to the end of summer 1/4. At that time Timb was 2 1/8 asked. I also received my shareholder's annual report then which said nothing very encouraging for the short term. So I should have sold my "long term" 2000 and only have lost 1/8 for waiting to long to buy and 1/2 point brokerage. But I made a mistake and did not. It slumped 1/8 to 2. Then it slumped to 1 3/4 while I was studying for GMATs. It actually only fell 1/8 to 1 7/8 by the Monday after GMAT; There are two types of wasting time: not paying attention (as before GMATs) and just waiting that extra day by sloth (it fell 1/8 to 1 3/4 from Monday to Tuesday). (DON'T BE APPREHENSIVE AND HYPER but don't be LAX either.). So then I had lost 1/2 point of 2000 shares or $1000. I was ready to sell and did try to but couldn't because I didn't know of the 1/16 brokerage necessary. This was Tuesday. Then I decided on Wednesday that perhaps

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