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Would I consume that money? No. (Since I'm not strong in business, ~HBS.) I would just hold it. So why worry about it?? Respect. As long as I work for Bill, and don't program, but just design + influence excellence, then what do I care who has the actual cash. But why should he care if I have it?? Fairness

But it's important to me that it start to show so I have respect from my friends. But should I be recluse now and forget them? Then the point is moot, at least for now. Can't be recluse for more than a few months.

I guess I don't need a better house, but I do need to fix up this apartment. No dogs? Oh well...

What I really want is time and I can claim it because

a) I'm not under pressure of direct financial rewards. No deadlines. Keep this but get [whited out] shares. Ask for [whited out]

b) I will have guys who help me considerably in coding.

So I'm grown as far as I can? Yes except I get to design + create now. Money (but money should be split fairly) is less important than ideas + fun (music, video, leading)

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