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(I shall be glad to have this letter
back. J.M.)

4 York Street, St. James's Square, 1st August, 1856

My dear James,

I returned here from the Continent a fortnight
ago, tomorrow, and tomorrow morg. I set out again (D.V.) for
another trip. I did not expect to have been on the move again
quite so soon, but having engaged some time back to accompany
the party from B.C. as they set out tomorrow I go with them. The
vacation at Eton commenced on Monday (28th July) and as Fred & Phil
are to be of the party it is necessary that time should not be lost. It
consists of Geo. Norman, Mrs G.N., Libetta Jnr., Fred, Phil, Servant, Maid &
Courier. I am to make the eighth, & I assure you after my experience of
G.N. singularly extensive information upon every interesting
subject, almost to be met with in travelling, I am only too glad of
the occasion. I did expect that the plan wd. have been to leave
London per Steamer on Sunday morg. the 3rd for Antwerp, but since I saw them
it has been altered, and tomorrow morg. (2nd) I am to be joined by them
at the Croydon Station about ½ past 8. We are to cross from Dover to
Calais at 11, to proceed thence via Lille, Tournay & Ath to Brussels
where sleep, and rest Sunday. Thence the plan is to Cologne and up
the Rhine for two days, in steamers to Mannheim. Thence I understand [?]
by rail to Basle, and the following 3 or 4 weeks to be spent in
the most interesting portion of Switzerland, crossing I hope the
main chain of the alps to the Italian side & back by Vevey, Geneva,
Chamonnix & Paris. We are to be back before the 10th Septr.
I shall write while on the journey and I will try to keep some sort of
diary, hoping that "something may turn up" to interest you all, and confident
at all events that dear Emily will be glad to know how we all get on.
I may part company before we return - that is, if I think we are too
many together for comfort. I left them all at B.C. in very good health &
spirits on Tuesday last the 19th July, having accompanied G.N., Libetta & Miss

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