Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1913


Daily diary containing brief records of Miles Franklin's activities and events.

See Library catalogue record


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Tues. 30 December, 1913 Got down to the office at 11. Lunch with Miss H at Dearborn Inn. Housecleaned in office. Dinner at Hearth alone & walked home. Pottered in room till late.

Wednesday 31 Mis Galvin & I went bargain hunting. Ethel was in. A dark day, nothing happened & I did nothing Went to bed & heard the racket at midnight.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Barbie2
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Looking back over the year I cannot recall one thing of usefulness or worth that I have accomplished for others nor one of pleasure or satisfaction for myself. The futility of my existence, my weakness in effort my failure in accomplishment fills me with a creeping melancholy that grows more impenetrable. I will fight against it once more by hard work & if in two yrs. ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ the results are no better than in the past I shall die of my own volition.

Last edit 5 months ago by VixE
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Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2
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Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2
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RATES OF POSTAGE [printed information]

liable to injure the contents of the mails. (Postage on seeds, cuttings, roots, scions and plants is at the rate of 1 cent for each 2 ounces,) not sealed and not exceeding 4 pounds in weight.

Sealing—Any matter is regarded as sealed when it is not so wrapped as to allow of a thorough examination without in any way injuring the wrapper.

Special Foreign Postage—Letters for Great Britain 2 cents an ounce. Letters for Germany only by direct Steamer 2 cents an ounce. Rates for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Phillipines, Island of Guam, and Tutuila, Canal Zone, and Shanghai, China subject to Domestic rates and conditions.

Regular Foreign Postage—First Class Matter, 5 cents for first ounce, 3 cents for each additional ounce; all printed matter, 1 cent for 2 ounces; commercial papers, 5 cents for first 10 ounces, 1 cent for each additional 12 ounces; merchandise, samples only of no value, not over 12 ounces in weight, 2 cents for first 4 ounces, 1 cent for each additional 2 ounces.

Parcels Post—Other articles of merchandise, see local Post-office for these rates. 12 cents to 20 cents per pound or fraction of pound.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2
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