Sat. Jan.4, 1913
Worked in office till 5. Then had dinner down stairs & went home feeling sick with cold in head & back like grippe.
Sunday 5
Stayed in room all day. Wrote fist [first] act of a comedy ("Aunt Sophie") Went to dinner at Lincoln Parkway tea room. Feeling feverish.
Monday 6
Struggled Down to office. Miss Jevons called with note from Miss Hunt. fixed pass for "Life and Labor".
Tues. Jan.7, 1913
Very busy day. Interviewed E.Maloney. Took Miss Jevons to lunch downstairs. Went home at 5.30 & dressed. Had dinner with Wm Bross Lloyd at Antomobile Club & went to see Lohengrin. Got home at 12.
Wednesday 8
Went to Dr. Van Hoesen for treatment. Dinner with Miss Mason & Miss Henry down stairs. Went over to 166 West Washington to confer with Misses Steghagen & Anderson.
Thursday 9
Wrote Elizabeth Maloney article. Went to Stenographers' Meeting in the evening & then walked home
Fri. Jan.10, 1913
Got down to office late. Went & had lunch with E. Maloney. Then attended "Life & L." staff meeting & worked. Came home at seven & polished Elizabeth Maloney article. Went to post office - got 2 letters. Haven't opened them yet.
Saturday 11
Very busy day. Went to Dr E. Van H. for treatment. Went to bank. Went to see Irish Players matinee. Took French lesson from M. Le Clerq at Bush Temple. Went for laundry. Went to bed.
Sunday 12
Slept late. Got down to office at 12. Went to League Meeting at 3.15. Very cold. Walked home. Had dinner at Lincoln Parkway Tea room. Worked a little & went to bed.
Mon. Jan.13, 1913
Very bad cough. Went to Dr. E. Van H. & took treatment. Went to Dr S. and took treatment. Met Dr F. opp. Virginia Hotel. Spent a busy day. Wrote a letter & went to bed early.
Tuesday 14
Very bad with cold. Struggled down to office at 12.30. Dinner with Mrs Dell at Hearth & walked home. Coughed, did some laundry & went to bed.
Wednesday 15
Very sick with cold, got down to office late. Worked until 7.30 & came home & got to bed. Coughing violently all day - depressed & weak
Thurs. Jan. 16, 1913
Very sick with cold got down to office late. Worked till six. Then had dinner & came home & wrote a little. Not quite so depressed.
Friday 17
Got down late. Demarest Lloyd called so did Louis Brandeis. "Life & Labor" meeting at 2. Dr. De Bey called - Busy day accomplished a lot. Came home & wrote a little but very weak. Wrote 3rd Act of Sophie Comedy.
Saturday 18
Got down early. Went to bank & traipsed around. Wm. B. Lloyd took me to Irish players. Met Mrs Ickes there. Went for French leçon at 5.30. Then to dinner on Chicago Ave Met Guido Mariotti