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[Esaybook? Eringbrook? crossed out]
Australian [Some crossed out] travellers came [to this hill crossed out] [on this hill written above line] to eat
a veil of brandy shrouded all their sight
[a roasted cock with onions stuffed [indecipherable] crossed out]
Cock roasted, stuff'd with onions, was their meat.
[and all their senses were [indecipherable] crossed out]
[A and crossed out ] and fill 'd their "ravish'd senses with delight"-
[Here a ?aborigine? or two came to look crossed out]
[With hungry eyes [indecipherable] stomach crossed out]
[With crossed out] A cock & brandy & this hill that night -
They thought themselves in heaven! Contented men!
[Here crossed out] Ah let me rather feast my hungrier sight
And natures features from this [mountain crossed out] summit ken
McArthur's sheep feed nearer heaven than those on Mount Ellen-Don
Some travellers came here to eat.
and [some came crossed out] others to survey -
[I am here [indecipherable] glad this has being my own retreat [favorite seat crossed out]
Full [For crossed out] many a [dreary crossed out] windy day-
[Yet But crossed out] Now much I dread [the white mans tread crossed out] these sons of bread *
Will [drive me from my throne crossed out] [scare alarm crossed out] call my hill their own
And temples raise in future days -
on [lofty Ellendon. crossed out] [Yerrudak, * my throne crossed out]
on this their Ellendon. The [Dibble crossed out] Devil Devil.
* [For the eff, crossed out] The effects of white ?bread? on my female sable subjects here
are well known - to them supply other items ' The
[bill crossed out] named in the [indecipherable] bill of fare were
quite ?superfluous?-
[The [indecipherable] crossed out]

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