British Library Harley 2277





SEint Dunstan was of Engelond  icome of gode more Miracle oure louerd dude for him  er he were ibore For þo he was in his moder wombe  a candelmasse day Þer folc was at churche ynouȝ  as to þe tyme lay As hi stode mid here liȝt  as me doþ ȝut nou Here liȝt aqueynte oueral  here non nuste hou Her riȝt hit brende suype wel  ⁊ her riȝt hit was oute Þat folc stod in gret wonder  ⁊ also in grete doute {[top margin: illegible]} {[right margin: in a later hand:] For ... [ in another later hand:] O lorde and father ..yes ...... servaunt[?] J. .. Sanford}

Last edit about 1 year ago by KendallB


{Don} And hi speke ech to oþer  in whiche manere hit were Hou hit queynte so sodeynliche  þe liȝt þat hi bere As hi stode ⁊ speke þerof  in gret wounder echon Seint Dunstanes moder taper  afure worþ anon Þat heo huld on hire hond  heo nuste whannes hit com Þat folc stod ⁊ bihuld  ⁊ gret wonder þerof nom Ne non nuste wannes hit com  bote þurf oure louredes grace Þerof hi tende here liȝt  alle in þe place What was þat oure louerd crist  þe liȝt fram heuene sende ⁊ þat folc þat stod aboute  here taperes þerof tende Bote of þat holi child  þat was in hire wombe þere Al Engelonde scholde þe bet beo iliȝt  þat hit ibore were Þis child was ibore neoȝe hondred ȝer  ⁊ fyue ⁊ tuenti ariȝt After þat oure suete louerd  in his moder was aliȝt Þe furste ȝer of þe crouning  of þe king Adelston His moder het Kenedride  his fader Herston Þo þis child was an vrþe ibore  his freond nome þerto hede Hi lete hit do to Glastnebury  to norischi ⁊ to fete To teche him eke his bileue  pater noster ⁊ crede Þe child wax ⁊ wel iþeȝ  for hit moste nede Lute ȝeme he nom to þe wordle  to alle godnisse he drouȝ Ech man þat hurde of himm speke  hadde of him ioye ynouȝ Þo he was of manes wit to his vncle he gan go Þe archebischop of Canterbury  seint Aldelm þat was þo Þat makede wiþ him ioye ynouȝ  ⁊ euere þe lengere þe more Þo he seȝ of his godnisse  ⁊ of his wyse lore For deynte þat he hadde of him  he let him sone bringe Bifore þe prince of Engelond  Adelstan þe kynge Þe king him makede ioye ynouȝ  ⁊ grantede al his bone Of what þinge so he wolde bidde  if hit were to done Þo bad he him an abbei  þat he was forþ on ibroȝt In þe toun of Glastnebure  þat he ne wornde him noȝt Þe king grantede his bone  ⁊ after him also Edmund his broþer þatt was king  in his poer ido To Glastnebury wende sone  þis gode man seint Dunstan Þo beye þe kynges him ȝeue leue Edmund ⁊ Adelstan Of þe hous of Glastnebure  a gret ordeynour he was ⁊ makede moche of gode reule  þat neuerer among hem nas

Last edit about 1 year ago by KendallB


At þat hous þat furst bigonne  four hondred ȝer bifore ⁊ eke þreo ⁊ vyfti  er seint Dunstan were ibore For þer was ordre of monekes  er seint patrik com ⁊ er seint Austyn to Engelonde  brouȝte cristendom . ⁊ seint patrik deide tuo hondred  ⁊ trio ⁊ vyfti ȝer After þat oure suete leuedi  oure louerd here ber At none monekes þer nere furst  bote as in hudinge echon ⁊ as men þat drowe to wyldernisse  for drede of godes fon . Seint Dunstan ⁊ seint Adelwold  as oure louerd hit bisay I ordeyened to preostes were  al in one day Þer after sone to Glastnebury  seint Dunstan anon wende He was abbod þer ymaked  his lyf to amende ⁊ for he nolde bi his wille  no tyme idel beo Apriuei smyþþe bi his celle  he gan him biseo For whan he moste of oreisouns  reste for werinisse To worke he wolde his honden do  to fleo idelnisse Sin he wolde poure men  þe wyle he miȝte deore Al þe dai for þe loue of god  he ne kipte of hem non hure ⁊ whan he sat at his worc þer  his honden at his dede ⁊ his his hurte mid ihesu crist  his mouþ his hedes bede So þat al at one tyme  he was at preo stedes His honden þer his hurte at god  his mouþ to bidde his bedes Þerfore þe deuel hadde of him  gret enuye ⁊ ȝonde O tyme he cam to his smyþþe  alone him to fonde Riȝt as þe sonne wende adoun  riȝt as he womman were ⁊ spac wiþ him of his worc  wiþ laȝinge chere ⁊ seide þat heo hadde wiþ him  gret worc to done Treoflinge heo smot her ⁊ þer  in anoþer tale sone Þat holi man hadde gret wonder  þat heo was ⁊ þere He sat longe ⁊ biþoȝte him  longe hou hit were He biþoȝte him ho hit was  he droȝ forþ his tonge ⁊ leide in þe hote fur  ⁊ spac faire longe Forte þe tonge was al afure  ⁊ siþþe stille ynouȝ Þe deuel he hente bi þe nose  ⁊ wel faste drouȝ He tuengde ⁊ schok hire bi þe nose  þat þe fur out blaste Þe deuel wrickede her ⁊ þer  ⁊ he huld euere faste He ȝal ⁊ hupte ⁊ drouȝ aȝe  ⁊ makede grislich bere He nolde for al his biȝete  þat he hadde icome þere {[top margin: illegible]} {[right margin: in later hand] Jo. Sanford ....} {[bottom margin: in later hand] Aaa Bbb Ccc Ddd Eee }

Last edit about 1 year ago by KendallB


{Don} Mid his tonge he snytte hire nose  ⁊ tuengde hire sore For hit was wiþinne þe nyȝte  he nemiȝte iseo nomore Þe schrewe was glad ⁊ bliþe ynouȝ  þo he was out of his honde He fleȝ ⁊ gradde bi þe lifte  þat me hurde into al þe londe Out what haþ þe calewe ido  what hap þe calewe ido In þe contira me hurde wide  hou þe schrewe gradde so As god þe schrewe hadde ibeo  acome ysnyt his nose He nehiȝede nomore þiderward  to hele him of þe pose Þe holi abbot seint Dunstan  hadde gret poer Wiþ king Edmund þat was þo  ⁊ was al his consailler After king Edmundes deþ  a good while was a gon Þat Edwyne his sone was ymaked king  ⁊ noȝt after anon Þis Edwyne hadde vuel red  ⁊ þer after drouȝ Wiþ seint Dunstan he was wroþ  siker wiþ gret wouȝ Of his Abbey he dude him out  ⁊ dude him schame ynouȝ Þe more schame þat he him dude  þe more þe gode man louȝ He drof him out of Engelond  ⁊ let him grede fleme Þis gode man wende forþ wel glad  ne nam he neuere ȝeme To þe abbey of seint Amand  biȝunde see he drouȝ ⁊ soiournede þer longe  ⁊ ladde god lyf ynouȝ After kyng Edwynes lyue  Edgar þat was his broþer Was king ymaked for he was nher þan eni oþer Suyþe god man he bicom  ⁊ louede wel holi churche ⁊ ech man þat him þerto radde  after him be gan wirche Me tolde him of seint Dunstan  þat his broþer drof of londe Mid vnriȝt for his godnisse  ⁊ gan him vnderstonde After him he sende anon  þat he come aȝe sone ⁊ bileue his consailler  of þat he hadde to done Seint Dunstan com hom aȝen  ⁊ faire was vnderfonge Ladde his Abbey al in pees  fram whan he was so longe Wiþ þe king he was suyþe wel  ⁊ was al his consailler Moche me spac of his godnisse  boþe fur ⁊ nher Hit biful þat þe biscop  of wircetre was ded Þe king ⁊ þe archebischop Ode  þerof nome here red Þo þe holi abbot seint Dunstan  bischop hi makede þere To makie him heȝere in godes lawe  his wille þeȝ hit nere Somme eschte þe archebischop  of Canterbury sire Ode Wherfore hi him bischop makede  ⁊ his gra were so gode

Last edit about 1 year ago by KendallB


{ston} For he schal quaþ þis gode man  after me her beo Archebischop of Canterbury  þat me schal iseo What saistou þis oþer seide  þu spext folliche iwis Nostou nomore þan þi fot  vppe god al hit is Ne one freond quaþ þis gode man  nepore ȝe me blaim noȝt Wel ich wot what mi louerd crist  in mi mouþ haþ ibrouȝt Is ho saiþ of þulke þinge  þat he haþ in mie ised To elle ich mai what schal bifalle  after þat ich am ded Bischop he was of Londone ⁊ Wircetre  ⁊ hulp boþe tuo Of Londone ⁊ of Wircestre  ⁊ bischop was of boþe also Hit biful þat þe archebischop  of Canterbury was ded Þe pope ⁊ þe kyng Edgar  þerof nome here red ⁊ makede þe gode seint Dunstan  archebischop þere Gode men þat him iknewe  wel glad þerof were Cristendom in Engelond  to god stat he drouȝ And riȝtes of holi churche  he huld vp faste ynouȝ He fondede þurf al Engelond  þat ech persoun schulde cheose To witien him fram lecherie  oþer his churche leose Seint Osewold was þulke tyme  bischop of wyrcestre ⁊ seint Adelwold also  bischop of Roucestre Þis tuei bischopes ⁊ seint Dunstan  were al at one rede ⁊ Edgar þe gode king  to do þis gode dede Þis þreo bischops wende forþ  þurf al Engelonde ⁊ eche liþer persoun caste out  þat þer nemiȝte non atstonde Here churchen ⁊ hereer god  clanliche hi bynome ⁊ bisette hit in pore men  þurf þe popes grant of Rome Eiȝte ⁊ fourti abbeyes of monekes ⁊ of nonne Of þe tresour hi arerde in Engelond  of persones so iwonne So hit was wel bet biset  þan hit was er in schrewe For whanne gode maistres beoþ  som god hi wolleþ schewe Gode were þis þreo bischops  þat o tyme were þo Þe betere is Engelond for hem  ⁊ worþ euere mo Oure louerd ȝaf an vrþe  seint Dunstan faire grace Þat o tyme as he was  in a priuei place His fader ⁊ his moder ek  in þe ioye of heuen anheȝ After þat hi dede were  aperteliche he seȝ Wel grat loue oure louerd him cudde  whan he schewede þere So moche of his priueite  þe while he alyue were {[right margin: in later hand] Vt ait Homes[?] ......} {[bottom margin:] O sord[?]}

Last edit about 1 year ago by KendallB
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