Sermon - 10/04/1908



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the field of human intellect, the intellect of the young. Hast thou educated that intellect? Hast thou taught it better? Hast thou eelevated it by instilling into it the [fine?] & lofty teachings of Judaism. Which draws us ever neared to God? Hast thou bidden way commanded thy children to attend the house of worship. Hast thou bidden them perform their [--d?] duty to God & their fellowmen? Hast thou improved thy hear & caused it to beat with noble feelings & with enthusiasm for what is good & inspiring? Hast thou sown in thy way smiles or tears, joy or sorrow, benevolence or cruelty, love or hatred? How many of thy fellow creatures hast though assisted how many consoled. How many hast thou raised by gentle advice from the mire of degredation, the [slingh?] of despair, the abomination of Vice? These and others are the questionis whisphered into our ears by the Voice of Conscience. How many of us could give satisfactory replies to these questions? Indeed if Heavens judgment were as stern as earth's who could stand in the presence of God & not tremble? If the culprit who abuses that [--wine?} spark of intellect and suffers here were also doomed to suffer hereafter. Where would be the consoling [--ds?] that hallow the last hour

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of even the vilest, of what use would be the atoning tears wrung from the contrite heart & borne by the angel of pity to the throne of grace. there to wash away the trace of sin in the waters of repentance ? Take away the hope that atonement is open to man & he loses half his dependance on God & his faith too - add to that sweet hope the knowledge that the everlasting arms are ready to support the sorrow free spirit & to pardon the most {banished?} of sinners & where is the man so morally {abused?} & callous as to lose this golden opportunity. The jew does not believe in the fall but in the ascent of man & we believe too that no man loves but has down in the very depths of his being & some good to which this day calls aloud. Every asperation, every high & holy impulse, every firm hope, every pure thought & tender emotion which wells up in our souls is surely an evidence of the good within and of {purity}? that stamps us as superior beings for after all in spite of all the { theories?} whatever we know of Divinity is in the light of it that shines reflected from human souls, out of the depths I call upon thee O God & ask thee to listen to our cry - we are in {?}

Last edit almost 2 years ago by akirnak
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more fervent on this evening that on any other occasion because we feel the overwhelming power of the conscience {?} as is - & are absolutely compelled to hold converse with it, though many a man wonder willingly forfeit a few of the best years of his life could he escape it's continual tappings. Socrates is paid to have told hisdisciples that " the facts of conscience cannot be reckoned with as certainly as the facts of fire or wood or water." None could deny the condemnation that weighed upon the soul of Herod the cruel murdered or the approval of conscience that tranfigures the face of the conscience- stricken criminal on the gallows. For let us not forget while we are in a receptive mood that true happiness can come only when we are at peace with ourselves our record & our God. Not only our {Hebrew?} {?} all the great men that have arisen in the world from {?} & Sophocles to this present day have emphasized man's conscience as the {divine?} oracle that ultimately compels man through death be the conscience to confess his guilt to cast off the burden which like {tons?} {?} render his life a living death. We owe the great {?} & novelists a debt in that

Last edit almost 2 years ago by akirnak
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they have portrayed & analysed the essential facts of man's moral life. That which Shakespeare teaches us in Macbeth Victor Hugo teaches us in "Les Miserables" which exhibits Happiness & character as the fruits of obedience to the soul's inner promptings. In everythingwe do we need the approbation of conscience for from the approbation of conscience comes selfrespect from a disregard of it comes self-contempt. Ours is a workd friends in which nature & God cannot afford to permit sin to prosper. Conscience {,?} God's shining light made Daniel's face luminous as he fearlessly read and interpreted the fateful words of mystery written on the wall- warning the king as he sat staring aghast at the handwriting of his impending doom. In the midst of the light & laughter. the music & merriment. when the revelry & drunken debauchery was at it's height & the {noble?} coutiers & king had abandoned themselves to their licentious practices- the king ordered the sacred vessels taken from the temple to be used for the most profane purposes. Indeed it seems as if cause & effect has favored each other in quick succession

Last edit almost 2 years ago by akirnak
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for consternation & tremor takes hiold of both king & courtiers - as soon as the mystic hand appeared on the wall- the {?} consequences of sin had overtaken them & they stood {?} {?} in every nerve & muscle as they gazed upon the heroic Jewish boy who read with unfaltering{?}- mene mene tekel uphousin- "weighed in the balance & found wanting." The rest is a matter of history- for that fame night the {?} was invited by the {medes?} & in the midst of pomp & brillancy, defeat & death put an end to all. Yes conscience while it suddenly gave a ghastly ashen hue to the face of the kind of Babylon. It made Daniel's face luminous as it has the faces of Moses, {Akira?}, Isaiah and a grand galaxy of other moral giants - their lives though fearfully strenuous & embittered by many a trying circumstance were rendered happy through an inward & deep satisfaction devoid from the fact that they were true to themselves in their highest moods. Open all the master books & they portray the same truths. The masterpieces of Aeschylus. & Dante & {Mellin?} of {Eoether?} & Bryen are all studies of the soul's oracle, which disobeys {?} man into

Last edit almost 2 years ago by akirnak
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