Sermon - 10/04/1908



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the abyss or followed becomes wings lifting him to the stars. Never has there been a time when conscience the judge has praised even a David when sinning against what he believes to be the law of [?] , never once has it condemned a Daniel for doing what he believes to be right. In this sense conscience is [?] infallible, is the very voice & and [?] of god & his crowing gift to man. Then as we pray to God this evening calling him from out of the depths let us not make what man prove to be a fatal mistake of disregarding this infallible voice, the only voice that is infallible - as in the stillness of the night she whispers her precious words of secret warning. Let ou ears be willing to hear these tappings of the heart painful though they may be. Let us be willing [?] eager to pour out our souls in silent confession before God's throne- may our sins be pardoned & our inquities forgiven & may the coming year find us morally regenerated true to ourselves. Loyal to the beautiful faith of our fathers. Out of the depths I call to thee O God & pray that in the devine judgment of ourselves- we may not be found wanting. Amen

Last edit almost 2 years ago by akirnak
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