MS01.03.03 - Box 03 - Folder 08 - Contemporary Visual Expressions - Exhibition Catalogue Notes, 1986-1987





August 21, 1986 [Handwritten note: Sharon Reinekess(?)]

Format for Production of Catalogue and Exhibition 1. Consultation with artists 2. Correspondence announcing museum approval of exhibition and funding of curatorial services 3. Consultation with museum staff 4. Biographical information of artists from research sources 5. Consultation with artists on information on hand/chronology of career, etc. 6. Studio visits with artists 7. Consultation with museum exhibition design [Handwritten note: + Production] staff 8. Request of artists' statements 9. In depth interviews with each artist to ascertain a critical overview of work to be included in exhibition 10. Curatorial selection of works 11. Consultation with museum education staff 12. Co-development and design of educational material [Handwritten note: factual material] 13. Request Anacostia Museum's photographic services to take pictures of artists' works for catalogue a. Works completed b. Works in progress c. Photo of artist [Handwritten note: ,etc -] 14. Mock up of exhibition space with works underway 15. Essay with layout plan for catalogue 16. Entire catalogue completed by December 30 and delivered to Anacostia Museum

[Handwritten note: Protection requirement of artifacts / - etc. needs? - know as soon as possible. Bill Koms? first : / Cooper Hewitt ->

[Right margin: 1. Design 2. Production measurements exact + correct measurment of artifact.]

Last edit 4 months ago by e.rose.04


Format for Peoduction of Catalogue and Exhibition Page 2 Art Research Technical Services staff will consult with the museum staff and project director from time to time during next 4 months advising on progress of exhibition. The artists will be consulted and kept abreast of progress made. Installation of exhibition will take place on schedule for April, 1987 opening.

When meeting w/ designer: (brief in security) Screws hooks Correct environment - Contemporary control, etc. Schedule for pick up. et-

Last edit 7 months ago by eviec


Black + White Photographs of Artists [crossed-out: + Curator] Sam Gilliam - photo credit Charles Phillips Martha Jackson-Jarvis " " " " Keith A. Morrison " " " " William T. Williams " " Dawoud Bey Black + White Photographers [crossed-out: photos] (Figures)

Figure 1 1. Anacostia Neighborhood Museum ([crossed-out: Current] (old]) * 2 2. " " " (Plan) * 3 3. Professor James A Porter (photo credit - Robert Scurlock 4 4. David C. Driskell ( " " Pablo Jusem) 5 5. Aaron Douglas and Keith Morrison (photo credit: David C. Driskell 6 6. "A Warmth, A Lightness, A Glow and Then" [arrow to move the next line to the beginning of this line] Sam Gilliam, 1969, Acrylic 9' x 25' Courtesy the artist 7 7. Helix Composition", [arrow to move Same Gilliam's name before Helix Composition] Sam Gilliam _______ 60" x 180 Courtesy the artist 8 8. Martha Jackson-Jarvis, [crossed-out: 1986], "Legacy of A Matriach/ Notes on Death and Dying", 1986, (Room Size 15' x 20'w) Installation at Everson Museum, Syracuse, N.Y. photo credit: Courtney Frisse

Color 1 Elbert Jackson L.A.M.F. [plates written above] Part II, 1969, Synthetic Polymer paint and metallic paint on canvas, 9' 1 7/8" x 9' 1 1/4" Collection: Museum of Modern Art, New York, Gift of Carter Burden, Mr. + Mrs. John R. Jakobson and Purchase [margin right: photo Courtesy Mus of Mod Art] * courtesy Anacostia Museum [circled with line leading up to the line between Figures 7 and 8] 2. Sophie Jakcson L.A.M.F, [crossed-out: ?]

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jakuchu


[Top margin: also Color Plates Do not type Nos on catalog]


SAM GILLIAM 3 Painted Fingers, 1986. Acrylic/canvas, enamel and acrylic/aluminum. 110" x 114" x 8" (work Courtesy Middendorf Gallery) MATHA JACKSON-JARVIS 4 Path of the Avatar, 1986 (Installation) Ground Mosaic, 10' D a Wall Sculptures (Earthenware) 6' x 18" x 12", (Seven panels) b Wall Sculpture (Earthenware) 4' x 12" x 12" (Eight Panels) Wall Sculpture (Earthenware) 6 1/2' x 3' x 12" (Eight panels) (all works courtesy of the artist) KEITH MORRISON 5 Ritual of Death is a Black Tie Affair, 1986, Oil on Canvas, 60" x 108" 6 Wreath for Udomo, 1986, Oil on canvas, 60" x 96" 7 Echo of a Scream, 1986, Oil on canvas, 50" x 54" 8 Bones, 1986, Oil on canvas, 48" x 60" 9 Ton Ton Macoute, 1986, Oil on Canvas, 66" x 80" 10 Ton Ton Macoute, 1986, Watercolor, 22" x 30" 11 River Jordan, 1986, Oil on Canvas, 46" x 54"

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jakuchu


12 Spirituals, 1986, Oil on canvas, 48" x 68" 13 Spirituals, 1986, Watercolor, 46" x 54" (crossed-out: (court) (All works courtesy Brody Gallery) 14 Shadow Over Africa, 1986, Watercolor 22" x 30" WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS 15 A Note to Marcel Proust, 1984, Acrylic on canvas, 84" x 54 1/2" 16 Cobalt II, 1974, Acrylic on canvas 84" x 64" 17 Loch Ness, 1984, Acrylic on canvas, 84" x 54 1/2" 18 Equinox, 1974-75, Acrylic on canvas, 84" x 60"

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jakuchu
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