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Fletcher on horseback, to let the parents know of it-; they
started immediately, and got up next morning at 10 o'clock
A. M. -- The weather was so exceedingly sultry that we had
to bury Eva that evening at 3 o'clock -- Poor Sallie was
prostrated by sickness, weakness, fatigue and grief --

We had thus, three deaths in our family in less than
six weeks -- It was this fall that the yankees made a raid
on Marianna -- On the 27th of September, a force of several
hundred negro troops officered by white men; under the com-
mand of Gen. Ashbeth -- came over from Pensacola-; led on
by James Love-; a boy born and raised there, six miles from
Marianna-, a son of Mrs. Ming, where Dr. Keyes had staid so
much -- Love has never dared to show his face there since-;
and if he were to do so, even at this late date, he would
not get away alive -- It was, and is an intensely patriotic
community-; & the name of traitor is held in the utmost

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