Sun 28 / N. Porter / B. W. P. & T. L. P. )
The morning is cloudy Wind E. & quite cold. My health is
abot like it has been past week, like it has been. Myself,
William & Thomas signed a Note Blank for Thomas to take and
try to get money on if he can.
Mon 29 )
The morning is cloudy sprinkling rain Wind S. & weather some
Tu 30 / Caleb / Cotton )
The morning is cloudy & like it would rain Richard went to
Jones and got Caleb's bale of Cotton took it to Town &
William sold it at 20.60 the bale come to $108 dollars
paid off an Execution agt me of $100.15 cents in favour of
Jne Soribner
Wed 1 )
Morning a little cloudy Wind N.
Th 2d 1869 December )
The morning is mostly clear calm & cold. N. E. and quite
cold I stayed at home all day not verry well
Fr 3 )
The morning little cloudy calm cold Wind N. E.
I stayed at home all day quite weakly
Sat 4 / Charly )
The morning is cloudy cold Blustery Wind S. & S. E. This
is verry disagreeable weather
1st charley have $.050 & he took the Gun to kill a Rabbit
1st Puss have $1.00 & Felix $.15 cents
Sun 5 / Rain )
The morning is cloudy & Rainy S. E. It has been Raining
nearly all night commenced yesterday evening and have rained
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