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1870 January Th 6 / Wm & Hamon Morrow )
The morning is dark cloudy & raining S. W.
William went after Morrow Witness, into the edge of Giles
County, took Ham in with him The trial (Tom Harris) is to
come off tomorrow (Circuit Cort)
It has been raining quite all day started a little about 4
in the evening but has been a constant day's rain
William and Hamon will have a wet time after Morrow to get
him to Town tomorrow. William & Hamon come about 9 oclock
at night with Morrow (the Witness) They were verry wet cold
& they having been in the rain nearly all day and was verry
cold. Wind blowing from North & ground freesing They were
all verry bad off with cold

Fr 7 / Cort / Green / Rich'd $8.00 5.00 )
The morning is quite cold Ground is froze Wind N. & cold
Circuit Cort in session. Old Cash was shut up in the potatoe
house in Lawson's cotton seed & perished there before he was
found out and died there. I paid Green for Richard Trotter
for the Mare Green sold to Richard. Now the Mare is mine
Green's debt was $8.00 I give him $5.00 for the debt.
Richard says he will pay it out of sale of his Cotton

Sat 8 )
The morning clear verry cold Wind N. We were trying to git
wood turning cold hard work to keep fires feed &c
The Stock looks bad No care has been taken of the out horses
& I have been too unwell to do anything.

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