N. P. 78 This is my birthday 78 years old today & verry
weak & feeble don't get about but verry little, health
at this time is not good
George P. Jo & me made a Bench to fix a surrenge in does
verry well indeed fastened it on a no botton chare to set on
Fri Jany 14 / Rain / P. Pillow's Wife &c )
The morning is dark cloudy Wind E. & N. and raining Set in
like it was going to rain all day.
Preston is mooving two wagons in his yard Pone Pillow's
wife & daughter has been here all day and eat there dinners -
It cleared of about 12 & colouded up at 1 oclock. Commenced
Rain in the evening and rained on until 9 at night & still
rained hard
1870 Jany Sat 25 / Rain / Thunder / Wm / Wm J. / Mb. Pleasant / Jo $.50 Puss 1.00 Felix 1.00 Steel Trap .60 / $3.10 )
The morning is verry cloudy Wind S. W. It has rained verry
hard nearly all night, abt one oclock there was some heavy
thunder, look like more rain
William left this morning about sun rise for Mt. Pleasant
William J. cam about midnight had like to have been severely
dealth with before all was over I was much disturbed about it
all night did not slee after he come home the ballence of
the night. Mrs. Pone Pillow & her little girl stayed last
night, & Pone stayed at George P. last night
Jo went to Town Give Puss Sugar $1.00 Felix breeches $1.00
and Jo $.50 all $3.10
Sun 16 )
The morning is dark & cloudy the Wind E. & clouds S. W. &
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