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it came back if it had not some body would have been troubled
I know who too it a way, & I sent them word to bring it back
& they have done it
J. Murphey) Mr. James Murphey was here Stayed 2 or 3 hours he expressed
a greate deal of kind feelings & friendship told me all
about how he got away from Johnson's Island his travels in
plan of) gitting back to his company in the South &c he wants a moddle
Smoke house)
of my Smoke house he is well pleased with it I must give him
a plan of it

1870) The morning is mostly clear & cold. Wind N. W.
Fri 28) William did not git home last night gone to the West end of
the County. I went to Town after dinner Saw and talked with
a good man ( I got $2.00 of Sugar $.75 potatoes &
$3.75) $1.00 Tobacco for Jo & Puss, in all $3.75
Thomas's Mule got away last night he found it today at J.
Websters & brought it back tonight home. One of his cows
Sugar) died had a young calf & died Sugar $2.00

Sat 29) The morning is partially clear. Cold Wind N. W.
Wm) William did git home last night Tom Robeson says he saw him
Thursday morning going South West bear Howard's going towards
Legget) Jack Paton has hailed Corn tow days this week for Legget
from the Walker's place at $ Jack halled for himself Corn
Jack) to Town this last week & halled Corn for himself to Town today.

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