


Status: Needs Review

Windsor, July 7th, Sat night, 1838-

I ever feel better in mind when I stay in my room
and read all day for this reason, I enjoyed myself today
better than I have those days an which I devoted [??]
pany. Nothing new to night.

9th Mon, Yesterday 8th Sunday was the latter part
of it but disagreeably enjoined by me I masprov-
oked to the recepity of a hasoval brash and a quarrel
with a young man whom I had hitherto esteemed
as a gentelman and a friend when not inebria-
ted - When in liquer however I knew him to be
foolish and disgusting to a considerable degree He
had imposed on me monthes under the pretext of
time over, and no harm fair and good humor.
Though it was good to humer himself and stick-
lers, he saw as its conseques was much to my
disadvantage, it was other than fair to me. And
I had told him that his conduct as black [??]
whith when I could not condescend to [??]
list was a source of much disadvantage and dis-
pleasene to me - that if [??] any respect for
me he must not demean hifself as he had done
that if he did I should be compelled to resent him
with determination to check him. He repeatedly disd-
ained any thing of imposition and ill [??] but exp
eped greatgood feeling towards me. However intolerable
his conduct there before yesterday I thought he should be
checked in as made as he seemed to be actuated from
disrecpected [??]. So I brought the [??] to a crises
[??] pressed my indignation and contempt for him in shoy
emphatic and on equivocal languag. He tried first to
bluff, then to brow beat me but said my reselae was
taken - he shuck me with his fist and returned the
bowe my cane. Had we not been separated, I was determined
to use him up or die. I am still ready for another [??]

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