the 4th Aug.
Plowed in cherry orchard with Two
Turn plows turning out stubble to sow
in wheat halled our hay from Dr. Wisemans
meadow we had 4 small loads of Damged
hay a hard bargain to cut sorry grass & give
the owner of the meadow half This was our
Election day for members to Congress County
& Superior Court Clerk R.C. (Purger?) got 149
votes Boyd 11. Boyd & (Puryear?) being candates
for Congress Harbin & Mr. B. March
candidates for County Court Clerk (Harbin?)
got 101 votes & March 60 Rose & Thompson
candidates for S & C Clerk Rose got 97 votes
Thompson (47?).
The votes in (Davie?) stood as Follows
for the Election in 1853.
Perycar Bay (?) Harkin March Rose Thompson
Mocksville 291 226 259 270 339 80
Farmington 149 11 101 60 95 47
Cheshires Store 32 30 38 20 55 none
Fulton 79 33 32 56 80 19
554 300 450 406 589 146
300 406 146
254 may 44 May 443
Friday Mowed in cossel meadow until noon
the 5 Aug then put the Hay & worked in Turpach
1853 Burning brush until night a light sprinkle
of rain in the evening
Saturday commenced plowing turnip patch
6 Aug. on the Hill next Dr. Wisemans some
of the Hands rakeing & burning it of & one wagon
Halling the wood & rails off Put our hay
in the Cassel meadow to dry & halled up
3 loads in the afternoon
Monday Yesterday was Sunday and we had an
the 8 August old fashioned Big rained it raned for
30 minutes verry hard wash our Land & raised the
branches & creek verry high the first full season since
the 1st day of may To day we send 3 hands
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